Wounded Bunny - CH1

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It's was middle of December it's was two weeks into your winter break. You been collage student for while you been going to medical school since you finished high school. You live out in the middle of the forest in large wooden cabin. That your great-grandfather build by hand this cabin been in your family for years. As you sat down in front of the fire place to get warm you stared out the window watching the snow fall from the skies. You wanted go shopping for food you grab your phone you had one new message it's was from your best friend Nami.

Nami: Hey Girl! I hope you're doing alright in the middle of the forest! :D

You laughed at Nami's message you texted her back telling her you was alright you about go shopping for some food soon. As you sent the message you can hear sounds coming from the back yard. You figure it was some wild animal you had much of them in the forest. The sounds was getting load and loader sudden there was a crashing sound as something fallen or someone bumped into something. There was scream as someone was in pain. You jumped out of your chair then ran over to the back door.

You can't believe what you're seeing there was this naked bunny man with dark hair and ears and tail that matches his hair. His leg was all cut up as someone shot him in the leg or it's was trap in a bear trap. "OMG!" You panic you open the door pushing the fresh snow as you open the door you take off the blanket you was wrapped in. You placed it over the naked bunny man he was cold and shaking up. You need to do something about his leg. As he notices you his golden eyes widened at the human. Scared he was he try to get up only fall back down in the snow with the blanket on him.

"Woah! calm down. I'm not going hurt you." As you said in soft voice as you approached the man/ "Can you walk?" You asked as the man stared at you for moment before standing up on his leg he ended up fallen into you knocking you over into the cold snow. "I take that as a no." As you help him up then help him inside the house you head into your living room then placed the naked bunny down on the chair. With the blanket. "Stay here. I'll be back.." With that you head to your bathroom getting the first aid kit. 'Where did he came from? What is he?' you thought as you returned with the first aid kit.

"This might string.. Just deal with it okay?" You warned him before cleaning out the wound the bunny man let out small wine. As you wrapped his leg up in fresh bandages. "I should give you some clothes..." You blushed before putting the first aid kit away you head to your room you did not have any guy's clothes. You looked through your closet you founded some navy blue sweatpants and large shirt. You returned to the Bunny man then handed him the items. He stared at the clothes then back at you. "What? You can't dress yourself?" This guy was cute! you grab the shirt then placed over his head he did not like it at first as you pulled the shirt down he stared at the pants.

"Put your foot in one of the holes and other foot in the other. Then pull them up." You explained as he did as you told only get both feet in the same hole. You started giggled at him he glared at you as he dusted pink on his cheeks. "Your foot goes into the other hole." After while he got it he did not like the clothes he was wearing. But he was warm now. "Hungry?" You asked as he nodded his head. You head into the kitchen to see what you have you did not have much you still need go to the store. You had some sandwiches you grabs the sandwiches then heads back over to the bunny man. You give him the bread item as he sniffed it before taken a bite out it. Then spit it out then dropped the sandwich on the ground.

You blinked. "Hate bread?" You asked he nodded his head. "I guess I have go to the store then..." You wasn't sure if you should take your new bunny friend with you. "Will, come on.. We're going into town." His ears twitches as he titled his head at you.

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