13. "Wonderful. I'm sick"

Start from the beginning

I peep through the glass and see Caelum sitting on one of the couches by the fireplace, he has a book in his hand. I knock on the glass and he looks at me for a moment before returning his gaze to his book.

That little brat.

I knock on the glass again, this time he chooses to ignore me. He did this on purpose, he locked me out.

He wants to be like that, fine.

I walk to the gate but a guard stops me, where did they come from, they weren't here when I came in "I apologize Luna, but Alpha said you aren't allowed to leave the castle grounds" he tells me.

"I'm just going to the packhouse" I step around him, but he stops me "I'm sorry, he said you cannot leave"

That bastard. He wants me to stay outside.

I march back to the garden sliding door, I bang on it this time. He gets up from his seat and walks to the door. About time, I thought he would leave me here.

But instead of opening, he stands in front of me and smirks, he turns on his heel and walks away.

I bang on the door again "HEY. LET ME IN!" I scream, but it's no use. Suddenly I feel a drop of water hit my face.

Oh, no.


No, please. I'm going to be stuck in the rain, I bang on the glass hoping I break it, but it seems unbreakable.

That wet sock comes back with a plate of cupcakes in his one hand and in the other a steaming cup of something. He places it on the table and takes his jacket off, he now stands in sweatpants and a t-shirt that fits him perfectly.

He picks up a fluffy blanket and covers himself, after some time he drifts into sleep. How can he sleep? I'm cold, wet and so close to catching a cold while he's sleeping in a nice warm place. I sit down. On the floor!

The rain starts coming down harder and I start to sneeze.

Great! Just great!

My sneezing doesn't stop, my clothes start sticking to my body. I'm so tired, I peek through the window.

Asshole, he's still sleeping.

Maybe I can close my eyes for a little bit, I rest my head against the cool glass door and shut my eyes.


I have such a bad headache and my nose is so stuffy.

I push my head further into my pillow. Wait, what? Pillow?

I lift my head. I'm in my bed, not on the hard cold floor.

How did I get here?


Wonderful. I'm sick.

I get out of bed, wrap myself in a blanket and proceed downstairs, the kitchen is my first destination. I walk into the kitchen, but Sam isn't here, instead it's the wet sock.

His back is faced to me, oh his beautiful back.

No Farren! You sick because of him.

I open the cupboard and take out my ingredients to make a coffee.


Damn sneeze.

He turns to look at me "You locked me out yesterday"

"I know" I gape at him "I'm sick because of you," I tell him angrily

He looks at me with a bored expression "What do you want me to do about it?" And he walks out.

A Scarlet Crown (Scarlet #1)Where stories live. Discover now