02 - joe

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A normal tuesday morning in the Jaspar household.

Joe and Caspar had just finished filming a gaming collab, and Joe had once again beaten Caspar at fifa.

"Too bad, man." Joe smiled, fist pumping the air.
Caspar sighed, defeated. He took off towards the kitchen and opened the fridge.
"Whatever. Anyways, what would we have for lunch? Should I pop out and get us a dominos pizza?"
Joe chuckled and shrugged "Mate, we had pizza last night!"
Before Joe could say anything more, Caspar was out the door.
That boy is way too obsessed with pizza.

Shortly after Caspar left, there was a knock on the door.
"Did you forget your wallet, mate?" Joe laughed, running towards the front door.
He opened it.
It was the police.
He definitely wasn't expecting this.
Joes heart lurched as he examined the police officers faces.
"Mr Sugg?"
"Y-Yes that's me..."
"May we come in, we have some news concerning you and your family."
Joes heart was beating faster and faster by the second, but he quickly stepped aside so the police could step inside.

Joe stood by the dining room table, leaning on one of the chairs.

He didn't know what to expect.

The head police took out small notepad from his pocket and looked up at Joe.

And Joe stared back at them.

And then the police spoke.

"The body of a young woman was discovered in the Brightons woods today. We think it may be your sister Zoe."

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