Chapter Eight:

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Valyn's POV: 

It's been a month since Eddie and I went on a date and he kissed me. Since then we have gone on three more dates and last week he asked me to be his girlfriend. I obviously said yes because who wouldn't.

I took the day off today to be able to pick Travis up from the airport at noon and give him a small tour around L.A.

I woke up at 9:00 am to a text from Eddie.

Eddie: Hey, why did you take the day off today?

Me: Shit- I forgot to tell you that my best friend from Seattle is coming to stay with me for a week. I have to pick him up from the airport in a couple hours.

Eddie: Ok. I'm excited  to meet your friend.

Me: You are going to love him. Just a small warning, he will most likely make a lot of dirty jokes because he is like the gayest of gay. This is coming from a person who is also apart of the LGBT+ community soooo.....

Eddie: Like I said, I'm excited to meet him. 

Me: Great! I should probably get ready now.

Eddie: Okay, love you ;)

Me: Love you too.

I put my phone on the table beside my bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. 

I hopped out and brushed my hair back and pulled it into a side braid. I walked to the kitchen and pulled out some strawberries. I finished eating and went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on some light makeup like mascara and lipgloss. I dressed in a black and white striped t-shirt and black ripped jeans. I put on some checkered Vans to complete the look and went to clean my apartment up a bit.

At around 11:00 I finished and went outside to get in my car and begin the 40 minute drive to the airport.

I arrived at 11:50 because of traffic and received a text from Montgomery.

Travis: Hey, I just landed. I have to grab my bags so meet me a the front entrance. I will be there soon.

Me: Ok. Take your time.

Travis: Also I'm starving so if you know any good food places, that would be very much appreciated.

Me: Great, I know a place.

I put my phone down and drove a couple laps around the airport until I saw Travis. I pulled to the side to park and hopped out of my car going to hug Travis.

"Hey Montgomery." I said wrapping him in a warm embrace.

"Lopez. LA is nice. I might have to move here myself." We laughed for a minute before I opened the trunk of my car for him to place his bags in. We got in the car and I drove us to a small diner near the ocean to eat lunch.

I ordered a hamburger and fries and Travis ordered a pizza. While we were waiting for our food, we were talking about our stations and love lives.

Apparently Travis was sleeping with a firefighter who was also chief Dixon's son. Not to mention he had a girlfriends although he was gay. Travis told me that he was closeted because he didn't know how his family, especially his father, would react.

Travis asked me if I slept with Eddie yet. We have only known each other two months and one of which we were dating but we have only been official for a week. So obviously the answer was no...yet.

"I wish you lived in LA." I said.

"I kinda want to. I mean you moved here to start fresh and I think I might need that."

New Beginnings ~Eddie Diaz 9-1-1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant