And the title of 'protector' was too difficult to explain in itself. Fu was still the guardian, but she held the role of actually keeping the miraculous. Essentially, they held two different titles.

"It's a bit complicated..." she explained it as well as she could, saying it exactly as she had in her head when she had been reasoning it out.

When she finished explaining, Chat's mouth was slightly hanging open in wonder and disbelief.

"Wow." Is all he could manage and Marinette giggled at his expression.

"So what happen next?"

Marinette's smile fell.

"We fought the akumatized villain and I went back to check on him. But he was gone and all I can think is that it's all my fault. I must have lead Hawkmoth right to him."

Chat cupped her cheeks.

"It's not your fault. Okay? He's got experience. I bet he's just laying low, staying away until the issue with Hawkmoth settles again."

Marinette nodded, smiling.

"You know, Luka said something similar. Of course, he didn't know the details. He found me right after it happened."

Chat frowned and looked at her searchingly.

"Do you like him?" He stared into her eyes and she worried her bottom lip in uncertainty about how to answer.

"If you do, I won't be upset." He tried to reassure. He was telling the truth, as well, because he also had a bit of a crush on Luka.

"Really? It wouldn't bother you?" Marinette asked with confusion and disbelief.

Chat shook his head and she finally nodded, a small sweet smile on her lips.

"That was the other problem that I mentioned. The thing is, I had just about stopped crushing on 'Adrien'." Chat looked at her in surprise and she rushed to reassure him.

"You, as Adrien, were pushed from my heart by my equal emotions for Chat and Luka. It was very confusing." Chat nodded in understanding.

"It sounds confusing. We really were in similar situations."

Marinette paused suddenly.

"Hang on a moment! You like Luka as well?!" She felt all the puzzle pieces clicking into place in her head.

"That explains so much!"

She started laughing and he soon joined in, both finding humour in their situation.

Chat quietened his laughs slightly and pressed a small kiss to Marinette's cheek, causing her to fall silent with a bright blush.

"Marinette, will you please be my girlfriend?" She looked at him with wide eyes, before her whole face became a happy smile and she hugged him tightly.

"Yes, Chat. Adrien. I will be your g-girlfriend." She turned red as she heard her own stutter.

"What about Luka though?" She pulled away with a frown on her face, though her happiness still shone in her eyes.

"Why don't we invite him to be with us?" Chat suggested.

Marinette smiled but then she thought about what Andrè said before, 'too many flavours could throw off the delicate balance'.

"What about what Andrè said?"

Chat tilted his head and then he smiled, his eyes closing slightly.

"About balance? He can be the cherry to top our blackberry and mint. Or the blackberry to your strawberry and my peppermint."

Marinette smiled and let out a giggle at what he said.

~~~Lukadrienette~~~ [Conflicted]Where stories live. Discover now