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(Allegiant Tris P.O.V)

His hands clutch at my shirt and I am removing it and then I remember, I remember that I am small and flat chested and sickly pale, and I pull back.
He looks at me, not like he's waiting for an explanation, but like I am the only thing in the room worth looking at.
I look at him, too, but everything I see makes me feel worse-he is so handsome, and even the black ink curling over his skin makes him into a piece of art. A moment ago I was convinced that we were perfectly matched, and maybe we still are-but only with out clothes on.
But he is still looking at me that way.
He smiles, a small, shy smile. Then he puts his hands on my waist and draws me towards him. He bends down and kisses between his fingers and whispers "beautiful" against my stomach.
And I believe him.

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