Chapter I: Present Day

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Obsidian's POV:

It's been 5 years since I got out of the Lotus Hotel and Casino. Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson, and Thalia Grace were sent to help Grover Underwood, a saytr escort some half-bloods, he claims are powerful, to camp. I'm here waiting an camp can't wait to meet these two I heard one was my age. maybe not just like me as I spent 65 years in the stupid Lotus Hotel and Casino, I hate that place.

Something just crashed into the canoe lake I was walking past it and I'm now soaked. Apparently it was the Sun Chariot that has Percy, Thalia, Grover, the Hunters of Artemis, and 1 new demigod I didn't recognize. Wait where's Annabeth and the other new demigod?

The new demigod said "Hi I'm Nico nice to meet you!"

And I replied with, "I'm Obsidian it's nice to meet you too!"

Percy looked between you two and smirked looking like an idiot.

"How old are you? I'm 10" Nico said.

"I'm 10 too" I replied

Then they went to the big house possibly for Nico's orientation and for him to meet Mr. D and Chiron. I didn't think he was cute, I mean I'm only 10, but I knew we would be good friends. I felt a strange connection with Nico he even lets me call him 'Neeks'.

Then it was time for capture the flag. I didn't want to play against the Hunters, and Chiron didn't make me.

At the end of the game I saw the Oracle moving to the woods so I followed it, and was led to everyone who played capture the flag were arguing I was assuming and I stood next to Nico. The Oracle said 'Five shall go west to the goddess in chains, One shall be lost in the land without rain, The bane of Olympus shows the trail, Campers and Hunters combined prevail, The Titan's curse must withstand, And one shall perish by a parent's hand'. I had to help get the Oracle back to the attic and let me tell you it's pretty heavy for a mummy- like corpse, her dress is nice though.

When I got back to Nico he looked upset, I asked why, he said his sister is going on the quest and he was worried, so I told him to ask Percy to protect her. He said he had a crush on Percy, I'm obviously not going to tell Percy whet kinda friend would I be if I did, a bad one obviously.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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