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- No way, you can't be serious. Carina shouted from one side of the couch.

- I've never been more serious in my life. I think it's ridiculous. Replied Maya who was sitting on the other corner of the couch.

- Ridiculous? Please! Said Carina annoyed as she got up from the couch.

- It's my opinion, you can't judge me for that. Said Maya getting up as well to be at Carina's level.

- Of course I can. I thought things were getting better Maya, but this, this I can't forgive. Carina let out a sigh, while waving her hands like crazy.

- Don't exaggerate, it's no big deal.

- What's not a big deal? Tell that to hundreds of people who feel the same way I do.

- I don't care what hundreds of people think, I don't like it, period. You won't change my mind.

- You're unbearable Maya, I swear. Carina shouted, as she plopped back down on the couch.

- Sure, since you're so easy to deal with. Replied Maya with the same intensity.

- Are you fighting again? What happened to the deal, you two promised you would get along? Interrupted Andrew who had heard the shouting from his room.

- Giuro che ci sto provando, ma lei continua a provocarmi. (I swear I'm trying, but she keeps provoking me). Carina said, crossing her arms.

- Stop talking bad about me in Italian, you know I don't understand anything. Said Maya rolling her eyes.

- I said I try, but it's impossible with you. Carina replied.

- Carina please, you are fighting for something so stupid. Maya raised her voice again.

- Stupid? Non ci posso credere. (I can't believe it). Carina stood up again, pacing like crazy all over the place.

- Yes, stupid and stop talking in Italian.

- Now you're going to tell me what language to speak in, please.

- I'm not understanding anything, can you stop fighting for a second and explain to me what this is all about. Andrew interrupted again.

- Your friend here doesn't like Friends, she says it's ridiculous and she doesn't understand why so many people like it. Carina blurted out in a rather annoyed tone.

- You're making a drama for the sake of it, I just gave my opinion, I don't understand why people acclaim it so much, it's just a simple show.

They both turned around in surprise when they heard Andrew laughing his head off.

- What the hell, what are you laughing at? asked Carina.

- I just can't believe you're fighting over a simple TV show. Said Andrew trying to contain his laughter.

- A simple show, are you on her side? Carina shouted again.

- I'm not on anyone's side Carina, I just don't see the point of it all. Said Andrew pointing to the space between the two of them in reference to the fight.

- Non posso credere che anche mio fratello sia dalla vostra parte. (I can't believe even my own brother is on your side). I'd better go to sleep, since you both decided to turn against me. That was the last thing Carina said before turning over and going to bed.

The next day when Maya came back from running she found Carina drinking coffee on the kitchen counter still in her pajamas and with her hair in a messy bun, even though Maya didn't want it she couldn't help but stare at the Italian and admire how beautiful she looked. She looked at her for a few seconds and then headed to the kitchen for a glass of water, avoiding at all costs making any comments or staring at the Italian.

- Sorry. Carina muttered after a few seconds.

- What? asked Maya, who hadn't managed to hear what Carina said.

- I'm sorry, for yesterday, you were right, I overreacted a bit with everything. But you can't blame me, I have Italian blood, we are passionate people. Said Carina, with a little smile on her lips.

- Don't worry, I didn't react very well either. Maya replied, smiling back.

- So we're good again? Carina asked.

- On one condition. Maya said with a smile, to which Carina replied with a frown. – You have to give me a taste of that coffee that smells so good.

– Deal. Said Carina as she got up to pour the blonde a cup of coffee.

They both sat enjoying their coffee and each other's company in silence, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, for some strange reason at that moment they both felt at peace being in each other's company. Every now and then Maya would look up to admire again how perfect the Italian woman looked. Carina wasn't far behind, she couldn't help but turn her gaze from time to time to the blonde, who from the moment she walked in caught her attention with her sleeveless t-shirt that showed off her arm muscles, her leggings that showed off every one of her curves and her blonde hair tied up in a small ponytail. Her blue eyes brighter than ever as she savored the coffee prepared by Carina.

Sorry for taking so long to update, I'm very busy lately.

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