"Want to go for a swim?" Mel laughed.

"I don't have a swim suit"

"We don't need one" , In one swift move she was pulling her top over her head and throwing it to the ground. She gently pealed her trousers down her legs, slowly as if to tease me. I turned facing a bush not wanting to make it obvious that I was transfixed by her. '

"Are you coming?" She laughed, I turned around to watch her jump from a small dock into the cold water

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"Are you coming?" She laughed, I turned around to watch her jump from a small dock into the cold water. She was wearing lace black underwear that hugged her body , disappearing under the lake. She turned around whilst I undressed taking off my dungarees and shirt to reveal my pink underwear, I hid my stomach as I walked across the dock quickly jumping into the water next her.

 She turned around whilst I undressed taking off my dungarees and shirt to reveal my pink underwear, I hid my stomach as I walked across the dock quickly jumping into the water next her

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My body felt instantly frozen, my skin littered with goosebumps, causing me to shiver. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.

"Oh bunny" Mel giggled at my shock from the temperature change, and she swam over towards me. Her arms wrapped around me and my legs found their way around her waist.

"You'll warm up soon" She smiled, the now present moonlight glistening against her wet skin.

"Thanks" I whisper out shyly at our new found position. Our faces so close together I could smell her perfume, the sweet scent of cherry blossoms enthralling my senses. I place my head against the crook of her neck as we float in the water, comfortable in each other's presences for a short while. She sweetly placed a kiss to the side of my head, which instead of me finding endearing causes a tightening feeling in my core. Thank goodness we are in water. Her breath was evident on my neck, tingles covering my body and reaching every nerve I had.

"You are beautiful bunny" She whispered in my ear, although it was a sweet compliment my mind had me longing for her more. I could feel myself trying to push my thighs together which was impossible due to her being in between them.

"Thank You so are you" I answer back.

"So last night, before you fell asleep..." I slightly tensed up knowing what she was taking about my head sinking deeper into her neck.

" You called me Daddy, is that what you have decided you want me to look after you ?" She paused, I felt no pressure as if I could say anything and she would be happy.

"Yes please" I mutter.

"Okay bunny" She stroked my back soothing me more, we slowly floated back to the dock, Mel hoped out easily the water dripping from her body as she reached for my hand to pull me out.

We ran back to the car, not caring about our lack of clothing and hoped into the car to drive the rest of the way back home. Marshmallow was still sound asleep in the back, looking adorable as ever.

My phone started to ring, and I could see Tristian's name lighting up my phone.

"Hi Angel" he low voice came through the phone, in close proximity Mel could hear everything.

"Hi Bubs, how is your trip?"

"It's good we are missing you lots... How is Mel?" He said hesitantly maybe because they didn't know my answer yet.

"She is good, we just went swimming!" I squealed remembering how fun the lake was. "I don't remember you packing a swimsuit Babygirl" I hear Jay say in the background.

"Did you borrow one from Mel?" Adrian asked a cheeky tone to his voice as if he already knew.

"Not exactly" I whispered .A series of laughs came from the phone as well as a small chuckle from Mel.

"Okay kitten, well have fun and get warm we love you" Lawrence interjected.

"I love you too". I put my phone down before getting out of the car, back at the sweet cottage. We stood for a moment in our underwear, not really sure what to do. Mel glanced over my shivering body before taking my hand and leading me into the house and straight towards my bedroom, we stood for a second looking at each other not really knowing what to do until she left to grab me a towel.

"Go in the shower Bunny I will get you some clothes and I'll put you to bed" she smiled, as she started to look through my clothes.

The shower allowed the hot water to run over my cold damp skin filling me with a necessary warmth. When I arrived back to my room, my pjs were on the bed and my room was set up for me to go to sleep. Once I changed and climbed into bed Mel tucked me in the same way she did last night. However tonight she read me a story, her voice changed with the characters lulling me to sleep and amusing me at the same time.

One day she is going to make a little very happy.

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