Chapter 19 : Holiday

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Reyna's POV

Reyna thought there was nothing better than waking up and seeing girl she loved jamming out to Green Day songs while dancing in the kitchen.

It was, in her opinion, the best possible way to start the holidays and it also instantly alleviated all sense of stress and pressure Reyna felt from school.

Reyna got out of bed and snuck up behind Thalia, slowly wrapping her arms around Thalia's waist from behind and resting her head on Thalia's shoulder, looking over it to see what she was doing.

Reyna saw that Thalia was in the process of making chocolate chip cookies, and her mouth watered instantly, knowing that Thalia's cookies tasted better than any others, with the exception of Sally's blue ones, of course.

"Good Morning beautiful. Here to steal some food?" Thalia joked, breaking off a piece of the cookie dough and feeding it to Reyna.

Reyna's taste buds erupted in happiness at the sweet taste of the cookie dough.

Reyna knew it wasn't exactly the best idea to eat raw cookie dough, but when you have endless cupboards, you make more than you need and eat the dough.

"Mmm, oh my gods Thalia! That's amazing." Reyna said with a moan, before her eyes widened as she realised the huge mistake she'd just made.

In an instant, Reyna was pushed up against the fridge that was standing next to the, with Thalia's face only a few inches away from her's, and evil smirk playing on her features.

"I can think of other ways to make you moan like that, and I think I might prefer them." Thalia whispered.

Reyna tried replying, but nothing came out of her mouth, she was just stuttering, trying to form a coherent sentence and turning redder and redder.

Reyna felt Thalia's hand go under her shirt and slowly trace across her side, barely touching her and making her shiver horribly.

"One day I'll show you." Thalia whispered directly into Reyna's ear, causing Reyna to fully freeze up and just stare at her, while Thalia went back to baking like nothing had happened.

Reyna stayed frozen to the spot, Thalia's words racing through her head, making her wonder if maybe, just maybe, Venus had been wrong and a demigod would heal her heart.

Reyna truly hoped that that was the case, because ever since they had arrived at Hogwarts, ever second she spent without Thalia was hurting her.

She'd fallen for Thalia so hard that she was pretty sure the landing from a fifteen story tower block without a parachute would be more comfortable.

Reyna decided it was time to maybe go back and see how Thalia was getting on with those cookies, so she forced her body to mavs and wrapped her arms around Thalia's waist from behind again, gratefully taking in her pinecone scent.

"When are the others getting here?" Thalia asked as she formed pieces of dough into cookie shape, sometimes breaking off some pieces for her and Reyna.

"I think around noon? I told them to meet us at the edge of the lake, y'know that quiet place we found a while back?" Reyna replied.

"Ahhh, yeah I really like that place. It's good that Will isn't here yet, he's probably be killing us for eating cookie dough." Thalia said with a laugh.

"You mean he'd try to kill us." Reyna joked back, laughing as well.

"Good point. How long before Percy becomes besties with the squid in the lake?" Thalia wondered.

"Honestly, he'll probably say hi to us and then disappear into the lake for a few minutes, then come back out and say he's named the squid something stupid like Squidward or a really normal name like Kevin." Reyna replied, chuckling at the thought.

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