Chapter 5 : The Weasels

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Thalia's POV

Thalia turned around and saw that the room was now filled with redheads, with the exception of two kids around their age.

One was a boy who had messy black hair and green eyes, reminding Thalia of Percy, the other was a girl, who had bushy brown hair and brown eyes, along with somewhat bucked front teeth.

"Wow, looks like we found Rachel's extended family, huh?" she joked in Spanish, looking over to Reyna, who smirked.

"Uhh, right, hello, I am Arthur Weasley, this is my wife Molly, and these are my children, Bill, George, Ron and Ginny." the oldest of the bunch said, smiling broadly.

Before the man could continue, Thalia held her hand up and smirked at Reyna, silently telling her that they'd play their favourite game.

"And the other two, let me guess. He's dating your daughter, who's a bit angry, probably at her mother, and is also best friends with your youngest son, who's dating buck teeth over there." Thalia said. "Chalk that down as a point for me, Rey." she added, taking the looks of surprise on the family's faces as conformation that she was right.

"Oh, I already like them. Yeah, those are Hermione and Harry." the youngest daughter said with a loud laugh.

"I- well- ok. You must be Reyna Avila Ramírez Arellano and Thalia Grace, right?" the mother stuttered.

Thalia felt her body heat up with rage and lighting shot through her veins. She growled and was about to take a step forward when Reyna put an arm in from of her.

The entire group jumped back in shock, except for the Harry kid and the red headed girl, who was grinning in amusement.

"Hey, calm down. She doesn't know. She won't do it again. Look at me. It's not her fault." Reyna told her, once again speaking Spanish. Thalia instantly calmed down, seeing Reyna's deep, dark eyes

"Please, don't call us by our last names, we don't like what they stand for." Reyna spoke calmly, having turned her attention back to the Weasley family.

"Oh dear, my apologies. I didn't know." Mrs. Weasley said.

Thalia looked her dead in the eyes for a few moments, trying to find any inkling of bad intent, but found none. The woman seemed to be quite the caring and kind mother.

Thalia decided it would be a good idea to try and get a read on the rest of the group. She quickly looked into everyone's eyes, deciphering as much as she could.

Everyone seemed to be dealing with a huge loss. Thalia assumed it was a family member, perhaps a twin, one who was born alongside George, as he looked like he'd never be happy ever again. Thalia recognised that expression almost instantly.

Ron and Hermione were definitely a very new couple, not longer than a few months. Harry and Ginny on the other hand, seemed to have been dating for a while, or had at least dated before.

"Oh, you'll all get along perfectly well. The two as just as pathetic as your father, Potter." Snape's portrait sneered. Thalia was about to blast him with lightning when Harry stormed past her.

"I don't remember anyone asking for your opinion, Snivellus. You don't deserve to be hanging on this wall, you greasy haired twat!" he yelled. Unfortunately, Thalia felt a laugh coming.

"Now now Harry, I'm su-" the voice of another portrait began.

"And you can shut up as well, you vague fucker!" Harry interrupted him.

That was what broke Thalia, who fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. Everyone looked at her like she was clinically insane, which she thought she was whenever she heard her own laugh anyways.

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