Part 9

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"Aunt Addison!!!" Addison hears Zola's yelling through the house. She bolts out of bed swinging her door open.
"What's wrong?" Addison asks looking down the halls at Bailey who's limping over.
"What happened?"
"Me and Bailey were playing and knocked over a frame and it broke and-"
"I have glass in my foot!!" Bailey yells and begins to cry.
", ok let's get your foot cleaned" Addison says lighting the little boy up and taking him to the bathroom.

Addison cleans his foot, takes the glass out and bandages it up. She checks Zola for any cuts and gets them ready for school.
She takes Zola's to third grade and Bailey to first. Addison wasn't surprised that the kids had skipped a few grades. They seemed to warm up to her somewhat from the previous day. She says her goodbyes and drives back to Mer's.

When she gets inside she goes to clean up the glass. The frame that had fallen was towards the back of the living room. She was surprised they were even going back there. She picks the big shards up first. She grabs a broom and gets the little pieces up. She goes to move the frame and stops. She examines the frames. Post it. She quickly down the broken frame which encased Derek and Meredith's vows. She sweeper the rest of the mess up and got a call from Meredith.

"Hey Addison how's everything going over there?"
"It's going well, how's Washington?"
"Ok so far I'm not sure what I'm looking for..."
"Oh, well we had a small accident this morning-"
"What happened?"
"Well the kids dropped a frame and glass had gone onto the floor, Bailey had a small piece in his foot, but I got it out, they got to school on time and everything though"
"What frame? We only have one frame in the house..."
"Post it?"
"Yeah, but I can get it reframed"
"No just please put it up out of the kids reach, thanks for letting me know, I have to go now, thanks again for watching the kids, bye Addison"

Meredith sat on the bed of her hotel room. She debated crying about post it, letting it all out, but decided against that. She doesn't even know why she came here. Derek's dead she seen him die, but part of her knew he wouldn't have chosen to not visit her in her little life and death world. He would have visited. She gets up and starts getting ready. She first goes to the White House. She's let in surprisingly.

"Hello Mrs. Shepherd what brings you here today?"
"Grey-Shepherd, I'm just wondering where my husband's been taken too" Meredith watches the mans expression pale, she knows she's on to something.
"Ma'am I don't understand" the man says collecting himself after the initial shock of what she had said.
"I am here looking for my husband" Meredith puts emphasis on every word.
"Well he's not here unfortunately, he was buried in Seattle, shall I have security escort you or can you make it out on your own?"
"But he's not in Seattle, he's here, so why don't you tell me where your keeping my husband" Meredith says sternly.
"I'm sorry but I think this is all some misunderstanding, we will have security escort you" The man smiles.
"I'm not leaving without my husband"
"But you are" the man says as security walks in.
Meredith stands up and as she's walking she knocks the papers out of a mans hands. The papers go flying. She reads them as fast as she can as they fall to the floor. Not useful. Security keeps walking her out, as they go she knocks papers from everyone's hands. Finally she trips a man his papers going everywhere. Bingo. She sees research from the brain mapping initiative dating as recent as a couple days ago. Derek's signature on everything. The man scurried to grab his papers looking at the security guards. They nod and begin walking in the opposite direction. Meredith gulps as their grip on her arms gets tighter.
"That wasn't smart" one of the security guards mutter.

"So where are we headed?" Meredith asked as they walked down yet another hallway.
"You know too much so you are going to have to stay with us for a while"
"I have to get back to my kids actually" Meredith points out digging her heels in making it harder to get her to wherever they were trying to take her.
"Don't make this more difficult then it has to be"
Meredith begins walking again. They arrive at a small room. A female security guards joins them.
"What no?!"
"You're staying here, you need to be checked for weapons any paperwork you may have somehow got, etc"
"Fine" Meredith figures it's probably better that she cooperates.
After the search she's given a different outfit, sunglasses and a hat.
"Where's my blazer and pants?" Meredith asked looking at the new clothes she was given.
"Put the clothes on"
Meredith slips into the clothes.

She's taken to a different room this ones like a small apartment. She's locked in from the outside. She has none of her belongings. Not a pager, not a phone. She sits on the ground and waits.

"Why is Shepherds wife here?!"
"She came looking for him, she knows"
"Knows what's exactly?!"
"She seen signed document by Shepherd, recent ones"
"Great...we need him for a couple more years, what's the plan with her?"
"Experiments I don't know"
"Alright well grab that one vile with the temp. memory wash, we can change her looks and put her in Shepherds class"
"Thats risky"
"Might as well have some fun were stuck with her for a couple years"

"Hello Mrs. Grey-Shepherd"
"What do you want?" Meredith asked agitated that she had gotten herself in this situation.
"Hold still" Meredith is instructed as she's stabbed with a needle.
"What's was that?!" Meredith yells starting to freak out.
She passes out. While she's passed out workers are instructed to change her appearance the best they can. They can't risk Shepherd noticing. She wakes up 10 minutes later.
"Hi Meredith"
"Who's that?"
"No one"
"I should be at class right now" Meredith jumps up starting to get ready.
She looks in the mirror at her slight belly developing.
"Wow I ate a heavy meal"
Meredith head to the hospital.

"Sorry I'm late Dr. Shepherd"
"Oh hello...Ellis" Derek laughs to himself he had only met one Ellis in his life and that had been Meredith's mother. He tried not to think of her when he was here. He focused on getting his work done as fast as possible so he could go back.
Throughout Derek's lesson he can't help but feel a connection to Ellis. She's smart. Her eyes have a sparkle to them. There was so much more. He wanted to talk to her. Derek looks forward to working with her in the future.
As Derek is about finished teaching for the day, he noticed Ellis is starting to fall asleep. She fell backward landing hard on the ground. Derek walked over to her quickly and sees...

Not Mer getting herself stuck at the White House, didn't think that through Mer...🤦‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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