Gone: Ch.40

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"What do you mean she's gone!"Draco snapped. He had just been told the news of Hermione's disappearance. "I'm telling you Draco! She just left a note and we haven't found her! It's been 3 hours and we've got everyone looking for her!"Pansy barked, having explained this 30 times. "Go look in your room Draco, maybe she left something"Narcissa insisted. He rushed to his room, throwing things around and looking for anything that could've been left from him. He then found a note under his pillow, opening it quickly to read it.

I'm sorry, I really am. I need some time alone, and I'm not sure how long it'll be. I can't stand this anymore, it's barely been a year and things have happened that no one would've ever imagined. I just need to sort things out Draco. I'm sorry that I've left you alone but there was no other way. It's easier to track 2 people rather then 1, so I couldn't take you with me. I know you'll be sending search parties but I really don't want it. I just want to be left alone for awhile. I love you Draco and I'm sorry.

The bottom had her name signed. Pansy read it over his shoulder, her hand covering her mouth. "She should've at least given a location! What if something were to happen"Jenny mumbled, after being told what happened. "She needs time alone"Astoria said. "She can't just disappear like that!"Jenny snapped. "If I was her, I wouldn't have left a note at all"Astoria muttered. She was left a note as well; insuring her location and reasoning. Astoria was told not to tell anyone and she respected it. She was allowed to visit in 2 weeks, so no one would suspect anything and that was it. The only person with her whereabouts was Astoria Greengrass.

Hermione entered her new apartment. It was small, only having 3 rooms; the bathroom, bedroom, and the living room, dining room and Kitchen were merged. It was good enough for her. She walked to the fireplace and sat down on the floor infront of it. There was no furniture or food, nothing at all. She placed her bag beside her, opening it up and pulling out a small snack. She felt calm, knowing no one could disturb her. She trusted Astoria, and knew she would keep it a secret. That was one of her best traits; Loyalty. If she'd given it to anyone else, they would've told everyone so they could find her. But Astoria, Astoria knew the feeling of needing peace. And that's why she trusted her. Though she felt bad that she hadn't told the others, especially Draco and Pansy. She knew that they wouldn't give her any peace if they knew where she was, they'd pop in every 10 seconds.

That, however, was about 4 weeks ago.

Most of the rebellions had been caught and sent to court, leaving the purebloods to wander freely. People had been searching for Hermione everywhere, it was all over the news that she was 'missing'. She was only allowed out at night, when no one would see her. She had owled her parents, telling them she was safe and alright, no need for them to be worried, but they insisted on knowing her location. It was so consistent that now she only answered on Mondays and Thursdays, sometimes Fridays if she didn't feel like writing. She only wrote to few people, the Weasleys, her family, Draco and the Greengrass sisters. All together was only 4 letters.

Today, Hermione was sitting in her newly furnished apartment, on her couch infront of the tv. Astoria had snuck out to help her a bit, which got the job done much quicker. She was looking at the news, watching the reporters talk about her, the 'missing child'. The wizarding world began using TVs to her surprise, and it got the word around much quicker. She even sent to Kingsley about it, telling him she was completely fine. But he said he couldn't do anything about it till she sent them their location and they were able to see her themselves. She told him that she wasn't ready yet and stopped talking to him. She was still having nightmares about how the rebellions broke into her room, and when they almost lost their lives in the war. Terrible memories would just repeat in her head over and over every night. She had been seeing a private therapist, hoping it would help but it didn't do much. Hermione turned off the Tv and got up, going to her room to change out of her pyjamas. She put a black tank top on, along with some black jeans shorts and a striped orangey-beige blouse.

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