Chapter 2

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Hello readers! It's been a little bit since I last updated the story,so here's chapter 2. (By the way,in the description it says that Amber has secret fame which will show up in Chapters 3-4 and tiny mention in this chapter)


Amber walked through the crystalline glass doors and found herself in the soaring atrium. Hallways lined both sides of the cavernous space and in the circular middle there was a study lounge. She looked around and found a "Front Office" sign to her right. In the office she found a pretty lady in a grey pencil skirt and lavender blouse. The woman introduced herself as Ms. Baker,the school's secretary. Ms. Baker asked Amber's name and then gave her a lock for her locker,a schedule,some of the school-given textbooks,and then sent her on her merry way. Amber traveled to the 9th grade section of the school and saw her friend Rose a few lockers down with Nina,another friend of theirs. She dumped the textbooks into the locker and approached them.

"Rose! Nina! You're here! With me! Excitement!" Amber pulled them into a tight hug and held on until Nina started to protest,saying:

"Dang Amber! Did you get extra arm strength? Teach me your ways!" 

Rose just laughed. Rose was pretty in her own way,with blonde hair dyed red at the ends,and jasmine colored eyes. Nina was caramel skinned,with black hair and stylish aviator glasses. Amber and Rose were both shorter than Nina. Nina was wearing a light pink top and yoga pants,while Rose had opted for a sea green T-shirt and khaki shorts. Rose had been Amber's friend since they were little,but Nina they had met later in 5th grade. 

"Did you hear? Sierra Nevada's performance is tonight! And guess what? I got tickets!"

"Rad!" Rose said. Rose and Nina were HUGE fans of Sierra Nevada.

Amber said that she couldn't make it and they both stared at her sadly. "Maybe next time? I'm busy,but I'm really sorry." Amber felt bad. If only they knew the truth.


Hey reader! The story is VERY lame so far and bordering on cringe. The story is about to spice up tho!  Chapter 3,Coming Soon.


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