Chapter 1

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"Amber! Time for school"

Amber stirred in her bed. 


Amber promptly rolled off the bed at this. It was the first day of school,and first day of freshman year. She put on a navy-and-white striped half-sleeved top with her new jeans and signature tan combat boots. She looked out the window and saw Central Park through the glass of her 75th floor apartment. Just a typical morning for this NYC girl. She walked down the stairs and saw her mom making pancakes and sausage on the stove. She sat down at the island as their housekeeper,Genevieve,placed a steaming plate of blueberry pancakes and sausage down on the gleaming white marble. Amber savored the sweet maple taste of the syrup on the pancakes,still warm from the griddle. Her mom turned off the stove and took a seat. They had a housekeeper,but her parents were the type to just need help and not rely on someone too much. So they usually just helped out.

"Well sweetie how did you sleep?" Her mom said as she took the seat next to Amber. "I slept good mom. I'm just worried about this. What if my friends don't like me anymore?" Amber replied,stressed. "Come on sweetie,give yourself some credit. You're such a kind girl,you'll be fine. Now finish eating and go get your stuff. Tom is downstairs."

Amber finished eating and went back into her room to get her backpack,which Genevieve and her had packed the day before. After stopping in the kitchen,where she got her lunch from Genevieve,she was ready to go. Her dad was still sleeping,so she bade her mom goodbye and left the apartment,walked down the hall,and took the elevator all the way down to the lobby. Her combat boots made squeaky noises as she walked across the lobby's checkerboard tiles to the main entrance. Tom,the driver,was talking to a doorman and when he saw Amber approaching,he walked to the car to open the door. The car was a "practical" BMW in the shiniest glacier white they had. 

"What's the address,Amber?" Tom asked as he pulled out of the parking zone. Amber replied quickly,saying,"I think it was 206 34th St." Tom typed the address into the GPS as she spoke,and soon they were on their way to Amber's new school.

They arrived at the building within 10 minutes,as Amber's house was not too far away. 

Tom asked her what time she would be able to be picked up. "Around 3:15,I guess. Anyway,gotta go get my schedule! Bye Tom!" Amber said as she exited the car and walked to the entrance. 

Today was a new day,a new year,and new start. And Amber intended to use it.

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