S1 E1: Saving The People Who Save People, Part 1

Start from the beginning

Okay, so we totally skipped the "new friends" stage and moved right along to the "seasoned war veteran" level.

Kaz opens the door, and I follow the leader and the unwilling prisoner into a janitor's closet. It's not small, but it barely fits us considering the bulk of the alien spaceship.

"What the? I don't get it. I just saw him go in here."

I made a quick mental note to tutor Kaz in the future, assuming they still want me around after they figure out my secret.

"Well, maybe one of his powers is to turn himself into a roll of one-ply toilet paper," I comment, noting the cart of supplies.

"You've done enough damage for today. Can we please just go?"

Kaz sighs, admitting defeat...I was about to walk around the boys when Kaz moved, which caused the side of the ship to hit me. I fell into the cart. Pulling myself up, I grab the toilet plunger. Now that has to be the most disgusting thing I've ever touched.

"Ow!" I groan, rubbing my right shoulder.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I can feel Oliver's concern. A quick nod eases his anxiety, but immediately I notice the faint blue light emitting from a screen.

"Check it out!" I point to the screen, which displays a jumbled picture.

Kaz replies, holding up a mop. "Oh, know. My mom has this exact same mop."

"No. Look!" Kaz quickly turns around. I display the puzzle, like one of those old-fashioned girls. He chuckles.

"It's some sort of puzzle."

I make quick work of the puzzle while Oliver talks about how amazing this discovery is. It's the symbol of Caducio, the legendary healer of superheroes.

"Um, Oliver? He pushed the button." I tell the brown-haired teen.

"What button?"

"The one that says 'Enter'."

The wall opens up, and we walk into a large, circular room.

"Wow," we say in unison. I already feel bonded to these boys.

The room bustles with nurses, superheroes, and doctors. This must be the lobby.

"Look at this palace." I look around in wonder.

"Hey, there's Blue Tornado. And there's Solar Flare. Oh, and there's Incognito with his power of invisibility. This must be some kind of, like, superhero hospital."

"No. That's impossible. Superheroes don't exist." Oliver claims.

"Then how do you explain this?" I pull up my sleeve, revealing the untainted gauze to the duo. I carefully pull it off. The boys silently watch the scar fade.

"You're a superhero and you didn't tell us?" Oliver says while Kaz is in a completely different mindset. "That is...awesome!"

Somebody sneezes, and out flies a missile. My arms fly up protectively, and I close my eyes, waiting for impact.

Nothing happens.

The missile stopped. In fact, everybody stopped. I move away and wave my hand in front of Oliver's face, then Kaz. As suddenly as it had stopped, everything resumed. The missile hits the UFO, which breaks and falls off.

Oliver noticed. "Um, Y/N. How did you get from over there to here?"

"I honestly don't know."

"You're not a superhero?" Kaz sounds disappointed.

A Greater Power (Kaz x Fem!Reader x Oliver)Where stories live. Discover now