S1 E1: Saving The People Who Save People, Part 1

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A/N ~ I'm sorry I was late publishing. My computer just completely died, and getting a replacement has been such a tedious process. Anyway, without further ado...

A real hospital, Philadelphia.

I would expect more fuss for a bullet wound. Not that it hurts, but that's beside the point.

While I'm waiting, I look around at the other occupants of the ER. A guy with his arm up a gumball machine, a mother with her young daughter, two boys in a UFO, and a guy with a broken arm. Hold on, rewind...two boys in a UFO. That's gotta be interesting.

I pass a cart and grab some gauze, a pair of tweezers, and some saline.

"And the award for the most humiliated patients in the emergency room goes to...The boys stuck in a flying saucer," the shorter one says. He's the responsible one of the two, judging by his expression and intonation.

"Take that, guy with his hand stuck in the gumball machine," The darker-haired one called out. I walk over two the two and sit near them.

I pull the bullet out of my arm. Aren't bullet wounds supposed to be really painful? Movies, they're so dramatic. I quickly rinse out my wound with some saline and place the gauze gently over the tiny hole. I inspect the bullet, it's a 9mm Luger, from a Glock 17. The tall, brooding guy shot me.

The bullet clinks against the metal kidney-shaped dish, which happens to be in the chair next to me.

I can feel their eyes on my arm. I quickly pull down the navy sleeve, effectively covering the staunch white gauze.

The tall one asks "Who're you?"

"I'm Y/N. You?

"I'm Oliver, and this is Kaz." The smaller one chimes in.

The silence that follows is uncomfortable and long.

"Did that hurt?" The question came from the smaller one, Oliver.

"It wasn't nearly as painful as the movies make it out to be. Though I suppose pain is technically relative." My response seems dismissive and cold. I quickly move to fix it. "It's not too bad. How did you two end up in a UFO?"

"We were fighting a couple of thieves in a comic shop, and they trapped u-" Kaz is interrupted by Oliver.

"A cardboard cutout and a little bad luck, and we end up stuck in a spaceship." Oliver quickly corrects his friend. Switching the subject, he begins to tell Kaz off. "This is all your fault, Kaz. This is so typical. You always do these crazy things and expect me to just follow you."

"Hold that thought. Follow me."

Unsure of whether I should join the group, I hesitantly follow. Oliver sends me a pleading look that encourages me to follow them.

"Where are we going!?" Oliver questions

"The guy that just walked into the closet...I think that's the Blue Tornado."

"You mean the superhero?" Oliver begins.

"Who can spin at the speed of sound?" I ask, wishing that superheroes really exist. But they can't. Why would they write comics, which would expose themselves?

"And is make-believe?" Oliver finishes sarcastically.

"I know it doesn't make any sense, but it looks exactly like him. He had the same crooked nose, the same scar on his cheek. He even has a wispy beard."

Kaz is right. It doesn't make any sense, but the guy seemed - based on the description - eerily similar to Richard Kennedy. "So does my grandmother!"

A Greater Power (Kaz x Fem!Reader x Oliver)Where stories live. Discover now