Finally, you managed to get a table. But it so happens to be next to them.

You tried so hard to not stare, as they weren't too far from you. Eunwoo, however, began glaring intensely at Bambam. You slapped his hand and signaled for him to get it together. Someone cleared their throat and interrupted you and Eunwoo arguing like children.

"Sorry for the wait, would you guys like any drinks?" The waitress appeared and our faces immediately flushed of embarrassment. "I'll just have water, please," You smiled softly and averted your eyes down to the menu.

"And for you?"

"Strawberry lemonade, thank you," Eunwoo ordered. The waitress nodded and left after writing it down on her notepad.

"Were you looking at Bambam?" Eunwoo smirked and poked you with chopsticks, that he was previously playing with like they were drumsticks.

"Huh?! No!" You looked at him in disbelief. "You must be mistaken for yourself, I saw you glaring at him."

"Oh please! You can admit that you have a thing for him, I can hook you up!" He laid his face on his fist and you shook your head quickly.

"I can refrain myself from destroying a relationship unlike you," You replied with an eyeroll and began exploring what they have on the menu.

"You're not any better than me, writing letters to her," Eunwoo scoffed. The restaurant suddenly went quieter than usual, and you hoped that Mina didn't hear him. Eunwoo's eyes widened and acted like his mouth was a zipper, zipping his mouth closed.

It felt like lunch was going on forever. Eunwoo and you had learned a few things about each other, since he insisted that you guys should be friends. You're still a little unsure because of how much of a dork he is, but you needed a way to pass time.

It wasn't so bad hanging out with Eunwoo after all, with the warm lighting and the annoying customers gone. The food served wasn't terrible either. You almost forgot the people sitting nearby.

Something crossed your mind, and it was Eunwoo's comment of your 'attractiveness' the other day. You decided to shrug it off but Eunwoo brought it up, as if you shared the same minds.

"About that smart, attractive thing..."

"I know, Eunwoo. You were just defending me, right?"

"Hey, you two!" Another voice joined into the conversation.

You and Eunwoo whipped your heads to them.

"Care to join us?" Bambam smiled and patted the seat next to him. Eunwoo awkwardly got up and sat next to him, while you carried the plates over to their table. You had to sit next to Mina.

For the past ten minutes, it was just Eunwoo and Bambam talking about interests they surprisingly shared. You didn't think they would get along.

Apparently, Mina thought the same because every time the two boys agreed on something, you and Mina glanced at each other in confusion. It was cute, the way her eyebrows quirked, or sometimes you would both laugh to yourselves.

You and Mina frequently exchanged small talk about your favorite books, films, or random memories.

While the boys seemed to be distracted with something, Mina pulled something out of her pocket. You assumed she was going on her phone, to distract herself from the silence, but instead she placed something on the table, near your hand.

It was a Tamagotchi.

She seemed a little embarrassed because you didn't say anything at first, but then you placed it into your hands and played with it.

"I haven't seen one of these in years," You gasped and watched the character dance around in the small screen.

"Would you like to take care of it together?" Mina abruptly wondered aloud, causing you to freeze. Is this Mina's way of asking for you to be friends..?

"U-unless you think it's stupid, then we don't have to," She stammered.

"No, I think it's cute. I'd love to, Mina," You smiled at her, and she reciprocated.

For the rest of the lunch, you and Mina were deciding a name for the Tamagotchi. She unexpectedly had a list of names in mind. At the end, the Tamagotchi was named 'Pingüina'

The four of you exited the restaurant and said your goodbyes.

"Wait, why don't we share phone numbers? This was enjoyable " Bambam took his phone from his pocket and approached Eunwoo. Eunwoo swiftly reached for his phone, almost dropping it. How clumsy can this guy get?

Mina walked to you and put her hand out, indicating that she wanted your number as well. You nodded and gave her your phone. She softly laughed as she entered her number, confusing you.

She went to Eunwoo, and Bambam made his way to you.

He saved his contact as his name. You wondered why Mina was laughing earlier, so you checked the name she saved for herself.

'Minari 🐧'

"You guys have fun! I wasn't aware that the two of you were dating," Bambam smiled and patted Eunwoo's back.

"That's because we're not," You coldly replied as you all left, expecting Eunwoo to leave, but he followed you.

"Are we finally at the texting stage?" Eunwoo asked. You shook your head.

"What did Mina save her contact name as, Eunwoo?" You inquired, and he shrugged. "She simply put Myoui Mina, nothing special. Why?" He responded.

"I was just curious," you explained. You hummed before removing your headphones from your bag.

"Y/N, I hope you understand that I don't like you like that," Eunwoo admits, almost causing you to drop your headphones. Where did that come from?

"Huh? I don't want you to like me like that anyway,"

"That comment, I was just being a friend! I mean- I only like Mina, so don't think that wa--"

"Eunwoo, I know!"

______END OF CHAPTER______

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