Without You - Chapter 38

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His face paled as he hit his forehead. "Shit! Well, it doesn't matter. They'll understand!"

They're probably going to be enraged knowing the others are getting into their drama..

Suddenly, Kaito's grandma comes walking in with a big grin. She was struggling to balance so I went up to her and allowed her to rest over my shoulder.

"Aw, Harukawa. You're too kind."

I puff my cheeks as I look away. "Thanks."

"Is Kaito okay?" she asks me with an uneasy smile.

"Yea, he's fine. He just needs rest." I reassure her as I look at the boy. Currently he was trying to balance a pencil on his finger, making me cringe. His grandma laughed at the sight.

"I'm glad. His mother trusted me with him so if anything happened to him.." Her face noticeably turned pale at what could happen to his grandson.

"He'll be fine. If he dies, I'll kill him again in the afterlife so no need to worry." Kaito seemed to hear me as he threw his arms out in offense.

That didn't seem to cheer her up as she looked at me with a scared expression.

"Don't worry, gramma! She's just kiddin' around!" he laughed.

"I'm not." my sharp gaze pierced him, making him immediately stop laughing.

"Well, don't worry about me. No way in hell am I dying to a silly disease like this when I haven't gone to space yet! For real, it's just a cough!"

"Yea," I look at his grandma with a nod, "it is just a cough. He'll be fine." I give a reassuring smile.

"I know.. I can't help but worry though." she sighs. "Well, Kaito's got a sweet girlfriend to care for him so at least he's happy!"

"Wha-?!" I blush madly, Kaito seemed to get a kick out of this situation.

"Hell yea I do!"

"Do you wanna die?" I glare at the boy but he continued laughing. With a pout, I play with my hair and look away. He's such an idiot; an idiot that I somehow fell in love with.


I walked to class after the weekend passes with a frown. Usually, I'd be here with Kaito but he still hasn't gotten better. Well, not that I care or anything, it just feels wrong without him.

As I walk into class, Akamatsu took a seat at the window seat away from everyone. Her head was rested against the desk, her arms leaning off. It was the complete opposite of the happy outgoing demeanor she usually had. Everyone was trying their best to ignore the pathetic sight.

I looked over to where Saihara usually sat and he wasn't there. Maybe he was late, but I couldn't be sure.

My gaze focused on Amami. He seemed the most normal out of the ones involved in the drama, he was talking to everyone else like nothing had happened a few days ago. With a smile, he was casually having a conversation with his friends.

I walked up to Akamatsu and shook her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." her voice was muffled, mainly due to her face being buried into the desk. Is she having a tantrum right now?

"Clearly there is. This is such an obvious call for help, you know? So, what's up?" I shake her once more with more force, she let out a whimper in response as she gets up.

"Leave me alone, Harukawa." I took my hand off her shoulder in shock. There were bags under her eyes, and the shine in her eyes were replaced by a dull purple. Her voice quavered as she continued. "I don't want to miss class but at the same time I don't want to talk to anyone today.. I'm sorry for my rudeness."

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