"Hold your legs up," I command. I reach out and pinch her nipple. Then I take my thumb and rub her clit in a circular motion.

She moans as her eyes roll around. I feel her walls starting to contract the same time my balls get tight. I start moving my hips faster and faster with each sharp stroke.

"I'm cumming," she whispers.

"Cumm for me baby."

When she starts to cumm her walls grip me so tight I can't hold off. I feel myself detonate and start flooding her walls, and it's so powerful I have to catch myself before I fall. I wonder again about birth control.

When we both get our breathing under control, I pull out and a gush of liquid drips down on my floor.

She sits up and giggles. I drop down in my chair, watching her fix her dress. She smiles when she notices I haven't fixed my clothes.

"Are you just gonna sit there like that?"

"I can't move."

She walks over and grabs my hands pulling me up. She pulls my boxers up over my wet penis and then my jeans.


"Thanks," I say, pulling her against me. I rest my chin on the top of her head. I can smell her hair. It smells like cocoa butter and something else maybe coconut. We stand like this for a minute wrapped up in each other's arms.

Knock knock

I look up and find Pat standing at the door to my tattoo room. His eyes are questioning before a slight smirk plays on his lips. Letting go of Story I walk over and open my office door.

"What's up?"

"Hey, there's a guy here wanting to get a neck tattoo. I'm tattooing someone right now and it's going to be at least an hour before I'm done."

"Where is Tia?"

"She left not even five minutes ago, said it was an emergency."

"Yea, I can do it. Tell him I will be up there in a minute."

Pat nods and shuts the door.

"I should be going."

"But I really want you to stay and hang out."

She smiles but shakes her head. "Nooo...I'll just be in the way. Cam gave me a list of places I should visit while I'm here. So I'm going to go to the wax museum first, even though I think they are kind of creepy."

I chuckle. "If you wait a while I can go with you."

"I would take that offer if you weren't busy, but I will be fine. Maybe the next place."


Her smile brightens as she leans up on her tiptoes and places a soft peck on my lips. She turns and walks out of my office.


I've just locked up to leave for the night. When I get in my truck I remember Story is alone.

Sitting here in the dark, I contemplate if I should go to her. My phone rings, pulling me out of my thoughts. Sliding the device out of my front left pocket, I check the screen. It's Declan.


"Hey. What's up? I haven't talked to you in a while." I can hear the baby in the background.

"Nothing much I'm just leaving the shop. How are you and the family?"

"We are good. Karma and I just got back from Kingston's game."

"Cool. What's wrong with the baby?"

"She wants me to hold her, but Karma said no; it's her bedtime." He laughs. Karma is like 5'2 one hundred twenty-five pounds and Declan is like 6'2 two hundred fifty pounds, but she is the boss in their house and always has been. I laugh too.

"When do you go to camp?"

"Tomorrow that's why I'm making all my calls tonight."

Rubbing my hand down my face I work up the courage to ask my next question. "I have a question. It's...kind of a weird one."

"What is it?" Declan asks.

"How did you know that Karma was the one?"

Declan is quiet before he answers. "Man...I always knew she was the one, from the day Ms. C brought them to live with her. I've loved her from the moment I laid eyes on her mean ass. I didn't understand it at first because I was so young, but after we grew up I knew. It was always overwhelming to be around her. But not in a bad way...just I always wanted to be near her. She consumes my every thought and she still does to this day. I have never wanted anyone else." He starts laughing. "I sound crazy. Why'd you ask...Is that how you feel for Juniper?"

"Not sure."

"Well trust me if you had any of the feelings I have for Karma you would know." He chuckles. "You would feel almost crazy, like some kind of caveman and stalker all at once." He laughs this time a boisterous-loud laugh. I have to pull the phone back. "Hell, I don't have to tell you. Y'all see how crazy I am over her." I chuckle because I do know.

Declan has never wanted anyone but Karma. I have never known a time he even looked at another woman the way he looks at her. "Yea, I do." We both chuckle.

"Well let me go. I still got to call Matthew before it gets too late. He's always on a schedule and it's gotten worse since they had the baby. So, you know how upset he gets when he gets calls after hours."

"Ok. Give the kids hugs and tell Karma I said hi."

"Ok," Declan says before hanging up.

Starting my car I start driving with no real destination. I want to go to her and be with her, but I need to deal with Juniper first. I owe her that much. I'm so deep in thought I don't notice the speeding car run the light until it's too late.

The next moments seem to go in slow motion. It seems as if I can see everything so clear. I can see the woman in a red dress across the street walking her dog, and maybe arguing with a man. The other cars are still on the other side waiting for the light to change - witness the whole scene play out.

"I wonder what they are thinking." As that thought leaves my mind, my head hits the window. I feel a sharp pain in my side. I grab my side and feel the wetness. I'm trying to stay calm.

"I need to get out of the car," I think.

Using my shoulder. I try to push my door open. "FUUUCCK!" I yell out from the pain shooting through my body. The door didn't budge, not even a centimeter. It's pushed against the back of a truck. Laying my head back I feel my whole body starting to get cold. I'm tired, so tired. It's hard for me to even keep my eyes open.

Looking around my truck trying to find something to focus on, I see my phone. It's laying on the passenger seat, and I'm glad it didn't fall on the floor. I pick it up and dial the first person that comes to mind.

"Hello." I smile when I hear her voice, but I can't get my thoughts together to even speak. "Hello...Ethan."

"I had to hear your voice," I choke out.

"Ethan are you alright? I can barely hear you."

"I don't know. I might be dying."

"Ethan where are you?" I can hear the panic in her voice.

"You know since the first time I met you all I can do is think of you." My head is heavy on my neck so I lay my head against the headrest. "My little brother told me he always knew his wife was his because he felt something for her that was so overpowering. I think that's what I feel for you."

"Ethan...you're scaring me. Where are you!"

I can hear the sirens now. My mouth feels dry, my breathing is coming out in short pants, and I can't feel any of my body now. I start losing the grip on the phone.

"I love you," I whisper before everything goes dark.

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