Chapter 1: Ethan

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"Ethan, Bro can you squeeze in a back tattoo?" Pat asks.

Looking up from the text I was just reading, I contemplate his words. Pat is standing in the doorway of my private tattoo room, which is connected to my office, waiting on my response. "Ummm...sure." I run my hand down my face. "What are they getting?"

"Rose with a name," He says, giving me a questioning look. He knows that I hate doing that damn rose tattoo. Most women that come in want that damn rose.

Blowing out an exaggerated breath I groan - aloud. "Today is gonna be one of those days," I mumble. Tattooing should be an expression of who you are. Hell, it's permanent. "Yea," I rub my hand through my hair, "...I guess. Has Nicolas made it in?"

"He's upfront working on a sleeve. I can have her wait and I can do it."

"No-no...I will do it. Just send her back after she pays her deposit." I stand to start cleaning off my station. "Is Nicolas alright?"

"Yea...just pissed off at the world as usual."

Looking up, I raise a brow. We both know what Nicolas's problem is. "I'm not gonna ask."

Pat smirks and snorts out a low laugh. Nicholas is in love with his best friend and has waited too long to tell her. Now she has this weird-looking boyfriend that everyone is a little scared of.

"Oh yeah, Chubby said he's thinking about having Tia order some pizza...want some."


Pat, Nicholas, Chubby, and Tia are a part of my crew here at my shop. I opened the shop a little over six years ago; Pat came on board when I first opened, then Nicolas. Chubby came on two years ago and Tia took Cat's place, my piercer slash receptionist, a year ago after Cat moved to New York with her boyfriend.

"Ok, I'll let him know." Pat turns and strolls back to the front, leaving me to my thoughts again. Picking back up my phone I reread the text message from my girlfriend Juniper of two years.

Juniper: I really do love you but I want things to change. I don't see why you can't work regular hours at the shop or at least a few hours so you can come home at a decent time. How are we going to have a better relationship if we don't ever see each other? I love you and I want this to work, but it won't if we both don't put in an effort.

Sighing, I close the message and run my hand through my smurf blue hair. This has been a back-and-forth conversation for a few months now. I love her and will do anything for her and what she is asking me wouldn't be hard - if I had a regular job. I don't open my shop until one and we don't close up until midnight.

When I look up again there's a very tall and very attractive woman standing in my doorway. She's biting on her bottom lip - most likely a nervous habit. She has this good girl look to her; reminds me of Juniper.

She smiles a nervous smile. "Hey, the girl at the front desk told me to come right on back, but I was hoping I could wait on my friend..." She looks at me with pleading light brown eyes. "She should be getting dropped off now."

Shrugging my shoulders, I look back down getting my stuff together. "Sure," I say not really in the mood for this today. "Let me know when you're ready." I turn toward my station. I'm normally not this rude but I know I'm gonna have to figure some shit out. I love Juniper and I want to marry day.

I hear some wheels rolling on the floor along with what I'm guessing is some high heels coming down the short hall behind me. My back is still to the door, so I don't see the friend walk in. I just hear her modulated voice.

"Thanks for coming. I know you are tired from your flight, but I am so scared."

"No problem, girl. I'm just so excited that you are getting a tattoo. What are you getting?"

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