I took a close consideration towards William's words, and it appeared as though all five of them are capable of moving exceedingly inaudible that it was practically impossible for a human to hear. 

I rose my guard up and relied on my instincts, thus, feeling the presence of Lord Albert before he even had the chance to walk into the room. 

But it did not end my worries, since now I was filled with curiosity as to how William knew that I have mastered my instincts to such an extent. 

Did one of my sisters reveal it during their conversations with him? But then, what could've led to such a topic of discussion?

"Good evening Lady Y/N. Are you feeling alright, I noticed how you were absent during the dinner." Lord Albert interrupted my train of thoughts.

"I am quite alright." No I am not. "You, yourself?"

"I am fine myself, thank you. I was simply admiring your residence. Such a beautiful mansion you ladies have." Albert smiled.

"Why thank you, Lord Albert. Our mother drew the outline of the house and designed the furniture. It was built before Sofia's upbringing into this world." I lightly bowed my head as a sign of appreciation towards his kind words.

"Well, your mother must be a fantastic artist with a beautiful imagination." He smiled yet again to which I replied with a smile.

"Please take a seat, would you like a glass of wine?" I directed my hand towards another sofa chair right beside me.

"I thought so, William told you did he not?" I chuckled at his referral towards his obsession with wine.

"It is always okay to use outside forces in order to relax and clear out your mind." I joked and brought two glasses of wine, feeling satisfied as he laughed at my bad joke.

"I see why William has taken such a liking towards you." He promptly announced while pouring both of us a glass of wine.

My body froze at the mention of William's name, along with the words after it. 

Liking? Yesterday, he did not seem to be liking me too much. I suppose he did warn me of danger though. Is that his way of showing that he cares? Even so, why would he care so much, it is a simple partnership, nothing more, nothing less. 

"Is that so?" I questioned, attempting to get more out of him.

"There hasn't been a day where William and Louis did not mention your name."

"I see..." I said before sipping my wine. 

"You truly are a spectacular young lady. Smart, independent, beautiful. You can make a man fall to his knees." Albert voiced as he finished his first glass of wine.

"You are so sweet Lord Albert, but I am none of the things you mentioned earlier." I smiled lightly.

"Certainly you are. I will let you in on a small secret. William is not too profound when it comes to women. To be more explicit, he is not the type for romance. He slept with multiple women, but it was only to release tension after our missions. If the opportunity was proposed by the lady, he didn't necessarily say no. Despite all being said, he is exceptionally popular with the ladies, especially his students." Albert took a pause to sip his wine, which gave me some time to think. 

He is, in fact, very well known among ladies. Rose from our University, Ellie, and many other female students have been non-stop chatting about him.

"Though he never does anything inappropriate with them." Albert held his chin. "Truthfully, I have never seen William with any of his students outside of school. You were the only one. Which led me to think, you must be very special. At least to him, you are." Albert looked at me with a sweet smile.

Stunned by his words, I was unable to come up with a reply. Though it appears as though Albert noticed. 

"By no means am I saying that he is romantically interested in you. Mainly due to the fact that William is only passionate about one thing and that thing only, it being our little project we have going on. But you, Lady Y/N GS, are something special to him, and I see why." Albert finished. 

A/N: Good morning/afternoon/evening to you guys! Since I was so unhappy with the last chapter, I went ahead and wrote this one. I did not want to disappoint you guys so hopefully, this chapter will make up for the last one. With that being said, I also wanted to say that I DO NOT CONDONE UNDERAGE DRINKING! Please wait until you are of the drinking age, and if you chose to drink anyways, please be very careful and safe about it. However, this story takes place in old England, and back then, the drinking age wasn't a thing, and if it was, it was not enforced as much as it is nowadays. So, even though our main character is 16 years old, she drank with an adult. (If some of you don't like the idea of her drinking then I apologize but her being a little drunk will be an important factor in future scenarios). Thank you so much for reading this<3

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