Season 1/ Episode 1/ Part 4 / The Competition Begins

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Abby gathers the girls over to her and places a hat on each of their heads. While doing so, she took notice of Paige's nails. "The same thing, it's over and over, every time we compete. I told you about the nails. I don't care if you have fake nails, but the nail polish -- the white draws attention to your hands, and everybody doesn't have it. Girls, I taught you better than this.

"I told her I wasn't taking it off," Kelly informs Abby.

"why?" Abby asks her.

"Because I just paid to have them done."

"But you..."

"They're French. It's not like she has pink, purple nail polish on."

Abby changes direction. "I don't think this is where we're supposed to be going. I think we're supposed to be talking about the group and our dance."

"Well, whatever," Kelly says, backing up. "But..."

"It's not whatever, it's not whatever," Abby shakes her head.

"You brought it up," Kelly reminds her. "You brought it up."

"Right," Abby nods.

"Then you can give me the twenty dollars to take it of her nails and off her sisters' nails,"

"Can you hand me my purse?" Abby asks Gianna. "Give me forty bucks." Gianna hands Abby forty dollars from her purse. Abby hands it to Kelly.

Aggravated, Kelly made the wise decision to walk away from Abby instead of accepting the money.

Christi walks over to kelly, and I hear her say. "You wanna go for a drink?"

Kelly glances around the room before nodding. Silently the two of them snuck out of the room.

The dressing room was relaxed and comfortable until Abby took notice that she was missing two moms.

"Where are Christi and Kelly?" she asks, only to receive head shakes and unconcerned shrugs. She let out an aggravated sigh before leaving the room to find her missing moms.

Twenty minutes to curtain call Christi and Kelly returned to the dressing room with a glass of wine on one and a cup of whatever, most likely another alcoholic beverage, on the other hand.

Holly looks up from where she sat, knitting. "I was wondering where you guys were. Where were you?"

"We were at the bar making friends," Christi replies in a high-pitched voice. It was apparent she was a little tipsy.

"I should have guessed that was where you were," Holly laughs going back to her knitting.

"Brooke, stay right here," Kelly tells her daughter. "I'm gonna do a couple of curls in her hair and then a couple of curls in yours."

"I think I'm going to hold these hats hostage, and you guys each have to buy me one cocktail each for making the hats," Christi teases.

"Oh, kiss my ass," Kelly scoffs. "I already gave you your cocktail today. I'm done."


Kelly gasps as Paige began to cry. "Oh, my God, are you okay?"

"What happened?" Melissa asks.

"Oh my god," Kelly rubs on the red mark on Paige's arms. "She walked right into the curling iron."

"What happened?" Brooke asks, walking over. "What happened?"

"She walked right into the curling iron."

Instantly the girls converged around the crying girl.

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