Volume 3

25 3 0

The Siren's Call -

Washed Up

"Captain!" My ears twitched at the sound of a member of my crew call out. I sat down my pen as I got up from my seat and walked out my cabin. "Captain, while we were gathering supplies, we found a girl washed up on shore. What should we do about her??" Suri, my second hand, asked me as she had her hand over her heart whilst reporting. "A girl? Lead me to her." I don't believe we've ever found someone washed up on a shore of an island. I thought as I walked down the deck down to the sandy beach.

She lead me to where an a bundle of my crew members seemed to be gathered around. "Aight, aight, what's going on?" My voice carried over towards them, even as I was farther away from them, they all instantly turned around to look in my direction. "A small looking girl seems to be washed up. She doesn't look native to this island." Jax, of my crew members barked out as he saluted with his hand on his chest. I made my way close up to see the girl, once I got to see her face, my interest was immediately peeked.

The girl seemed to have short blue hair with a gradient of light blue at the top, then shifting to a darker blue. Her clothes seemed nothing special, just a dirty white shirt and black shorts, definitely not native to the island. Especially because the natives here wear things like pelts. I looked around her surrounding area, and I saw no sign of a ship, no sign of a wreck or anything. The only thing that was around, was a leather coat which is rare to see in these kinda parts. I walked over and picked up the coat and examined it. It doesn't even look ripped.. Is this hers? Where did she get this from?

"Captain," I snapped out of thought as Suri spoke up. "what should we do about her?" I turned around to look at the girl again before I sighed and threw her coat over my shoulder. "Bring her along. There's no point in leaving her here." I heard footsteps up until Jax walked by my side. "Captain, are you sure?" I looked over at him for a moment and answered simply; "If she doesn't like our ship, we can always drop her off at the closet town."

I walked back onto the ship and I opened one of our empty rooms before I walked back to my office. "Would you like us to get you once she wakes up?" Jax asked me as he stood in the doorway. "Please do." I said as I sat her coat down on the desk and began to go back to my writing before I crossed out a sentence and began to write anew.


Time had passed quickly, as I turned to take a glance outside, it was already dark. I stood up from my desk and walked over to the window as I looked outside at the calm waves. I almost miss swimming in that ocean. I thought as I rubbed the back of my palm.

~ knock knock ~

"Come in." I said as I walked away from the window and back towards the desk. The door creaked open and Suri walked in. "The girl woke up captain." She said as she brushed off her outfit. "For a girl so small, she has quite an appetite." She said with an awkward chuckle. "She's eaten already?" I asked as I laid a hand on her fur coat, going to return it. "She's eating." She said, correcting my statement. "So is she in the kitchen or her cabin?" She responded with cabin, so I asked her specifically which one it was, as I picked up her coat and walked towards the door.

I walked all the way down to her cabin before knocking gently. "May I come in?" I asked softly as I folded the coat in my hands. "Sure!" Her high pitch voice yelled out. I opened the door and saw her sitting on the bed and brushing her fingers through her short hair. "Here's your jacket." I said as I sat it next to her. "If you like, we can drop you off at the village once we arrive there in a few days." I said as I stood over her, staring at her for a reaction. Her eyes seemed to light up before she hopped off the bed and jumped into my arms.

I nearly fell over by how hard she jumped on me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she nuzzled her head in my chest. Thank god I'm flat. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I nearly shouted as I grabbed her waist and tried to yank her off. "I will!" She said as she continued to nuzzle me. "You will what?" I asked out of confusion. She pulled her head back and looked at me in the eyes
"I'll marry you!" I felt myself tense up all of a sudden.

"Oh~ Captain." I jumped hearing Jax's voice. I looked over at the doorframe and he had a stupid smirk on his face. "You should of just said you were interested in her." I felt my face burn up. "I- I..! N-No! You got the wrong idea!" I said that, as, she still had her arms wrapped around me and I had my hands on her waist. I looked back at her and asked what she meant. She let go of me and grabbed her jacket and held it while she looked at me. "You gave me that jacket! As Selkie law, once you find a lost selkie coat and return it, it's a form of proposal!"

I stood in silence for a moment before I felt my body spike up in shock. "WHAT?!"

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