3. Shopping with Danny (bf💚)

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"I'm so sorry you're grounded Danny! What happened?!"

"I didn't do too hot on the last exam so my parents have me on strict lockdown...They told me to not have a soul spot me out of this house or I am toast."

"Aw. Well that's too bad. I was excited to go shopping with you.." You mumble.
"But I guess we can't go if you can't be seen in public.."

"I know..." Danny says.

"Wait..I have an idea. Daniel Fenton can't be seen...but Danny Phantom can!" You giggle.

"You want to walk around the mall with the ghost boy? Isn't that embarrassing? I look like a freak going about daily life as a ghost."

"Danny,...I love you. All of you. Ghost and boy..and I'm a sucker for those glowing eyes of yours."

"Ok...Look out for a ghost in your room in about an hour."

What's awesome about dating a ghost boy is you don't need your parent's permission for him to come over.
Since Danny can walk through walls, disappear, and fly, he easily can sneak up to your room whenever you need him and appear once he is in your room. And he can easily disappear when you're parents come in the room.

But sometimes...

"Hey y/n!"

..Danny will appear out of the blue and scare the bleep out of you!!

But mostly he is a gentleman and respects your privacy.

"Danny!! You said an hour!"

"I'm bad at math?" He blushes.

"Oh Dan! I need to help you with your math too!" You laugh.

"Well are you ready to shop?" Danny asks.

"You bet!" You smile.

Danny sneaks you out of your own house with his ghost powers and flies you to the mall.

"Where should we look first?" You ask Danny as your arm is draped around him.
You never want to let go of his warm ghostly body.

You have odd stares all around. Here is the ghost boy in all his glory, but he isn't fighting off ghosts. He is just walking around like a normal teen. With you.

"Do you want to go to Target?" You suggest after a few minutes of Danny just staring at you.


The two of you first head to the dollar section.

You pick out some cute erasers to bring for school.
Danny picks up a dry erase board to practice his math and a cute pair of UWisconsin socks. They have a whole college collection but Danny chooses these since his parents met at Wisconsin.

"Want to see the clothes?" You ask.

Danny doesn't really care for clothes since he is content with his one outfit, but he is cool looking for you.

"Want to try this?" He asks as he hands you a pair of black leathery leggings and a black and white spandex top.

"Ha! I wonder why you want me in that? So I can be Mrs. Phantom?" You laugh.

"You'd be the best co-Phantom!"

You smile.

"You're more than just a side kick."

You take in the moment and just hug each other.

"Danny Phantom! Look!"


Danny's eyes widen.
Paparazzis?! Nosy kids! Come on now he may be the ghost boy but let the kid live!

Danny hugs you tighter and turns you both invisible, leaving some cash on the ground to pay for the goodies you meant to purchase.

Danny brings you both straight to Sleepys. The two of you go invisible together while you hug and cuddle in complete privacy 💚

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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