Chapter 9

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When I met Tanya by my locker she demanded I tell her everything so I did. From the time he went off on me to the time he forced me to sleep at his house. I of course left out the 'my father beat me' part.

When I get in geometry Jacob isn't there so maybe he's late like always.
"Everyone get out your books and read form page 123 to 140."
Mr. Herbert demanded.

Everyone groans in annoyance but obeys anyway. A knock was heard at the door and a couple people look up from there books but looks back down.
"Class we have a new student his name is Grayson, everyone accept him with open arms."
Mr. Herbert whispers something in his ear.
"Rebecca raise your hand."
I do so and Grayson sits next to me.
I have one word to describe Grayson.... adorable.

He is absolutely adorable.
He had black curly hair sat on top of his head. Freckles all over his face.
I smile at him and he smiles back. He has freaking DIMPLES!!!

Grayson says back shyly. He's about a couple inches taller than me which would make him 5'8, 5'9.
His height fits his face perfectly. He has a tiny build but it's not like Jacobs.

When the bell rang I hopped out of my seat and waited for Grayson.
"Do you want to sit next to me and my friend at lunch today?"
I ask cheerfully.
He nods and gives me a small smile.
"Yeah, thank you."

I nod and motion for him to follow me.

When we reach the cafeteria Tanyas already saving us a place in line.
"Hey Tanya, this is Greyson. He's new."
I say excitedly. She looks towards him with wide eyes.
"Oh my gosh, your so adorable."

He smiles shyly at her and blushes which makes him look even more adorable.
We take a seat at our usual lunch table and get to eaten, which reminds me why wasn't Jacob in class today.

I shrug it off.
"So Grey where did you move from?"
Grey smiles.
"From New York, my mom said she wanted a fresh start."
He blushes, I nod.
"Thank you guys for being so nice to me, I appreciate it."

I nod
"Of course wouldn't have it any other way."
Tanya answers, and I just shake my head with a smile.
"Hey dorks."

I turn my head in the direction of the voice and it's none other than Jacob and his friends. I roll my eyes.
"Hey dick."

I say with a fake smile, don't think I forgot about that little incident that happen when we got to school.
Jacob just rolls his eyes at me and sits down beside me.

His other friend follow in motion and sit beside him. So now it's me and on the right of me Jacob and his friends and on the left of me Grey and Tanya.
"Um excuse me, we didn't invite you to sit."
He just shrugs his shoulders and looks toward Grey.
"Who are you?"

Jacob asks, Grey turns red.
"Bubs, this is Grey, he's new."
I in phrase on his little nickname. His eyes go up in alarm and his friends are trying to hold back a snicker while Tanya is smiling wildly.
"Don't call me that."

I roll my eyes.
"I can call you whatever I like, since you decide to plant you ass at our table."
He rolls his eyes and sighs.
"So your names Grey?"
There he goes, back with the questions.

Grey shakes his head.
"No, my names Grayson but I guess Bec wanted to call me Grey."
He says smiling I smile at that and pat his head.
"Your so cute."

I snicker.
He sinks a little further in his chair and blushes as red as a tomato.
I look back over at Jacob and he's glaring at poor Grey.

Then I look at his other friends. Blake, Thomas, and Mark.
Blake was probably the most responsible one of there entire group. He has blonde hair, about 6 feet tall, has blue eyes and has a pretty good build. Thomas was your carefree wild child. He has brown wavy hair and brown eyes to match. He's a little shorter than the rest at 5'10. He has the cutest freckles and slim body with muscle. Now Mark was rude. I hardly see him laugh or smile, so much a smirk.

His face stays mutual and he talks to no one other than his friend group. He has brown black straight hair, green eyes like the trees. He has light freckles on each side of his cheeks and a good build almost the same size as Jacob. Now that I notice Mark has been staring at Tanya quite a while. Time for the matchmaking.
"So Mark, are ya single?"

Everyone looks at me in alarm and I quickly answer.
"Calm down it's not for me."
Everyone rolls there eyes and when Mark doesn't answer Thomas does.
"Yeah my buddy Mark here is single."

He winks.
"And so am I."
I roll my eyes.
"Why are y'all sitting with us again? I haven't even seen you all day Mr. I skip class for fun."

I look toward Jacob while saying this, he just smirks.
"Why do you care? Did ya miss me?"
I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, in your dreams."
I look towards Grey.
"Whatever you do, don't go around acting like this. Stay adorable."

He blushes then nods.
Tanya then speaks up.
"Why are y'all sitting with us? Came to make our lives even more miserable or something?"
She asks glaring at the boys.
"Oh she speaks."
Blake announces.
"Oh he does to."
Tanya has on her plastered smile that says I'm about to kill all men.

Blake rolls his eyes then smirks.
"Ooo I like feisty girls."
Tanya looks at him in disgust.
"Leave her alone dickhead."
Mark says while hitting Blake in the back of the head.
I chuckle.
"Oh and he speaks."

He rolls his eyes.
"Shut up."
I laugh, quite loud actually. Everyone's looking at me like I've grown 4 heads.

When I calm down Jacob looks at me like I'm the weirdest most fascinating person he's ever met.
"What was that."
He asks with amusement.
I shake my head.
"I have no clue."

I clear my throat.
"But for real, why are y'all sitting over here?"
I ask my eyebrow raised.
Blake shrugs.
"Mr. I skip class for fun, wanted to invite y'all to my party tonight."

I just about choked on my spit, wait no I do.
"Blake why the hell are you having a party on a Monday."
He shrugs once more.
"Because I felt like it."

I roll my eyes.
"Well I'm good, I'm not going."
This time Tanya speaks up.
"Because you and I both know I don't do parties."

She puts her hands together and looks at me with those damn puppy dog eyes.
"Oh my gosh, fine."
She smiles
"Thanks babe, you won't regret it."
I roll my eyes.

Thomas questions.
"Yeah, we cal each other that sometimes. Is that a problem?"
Tanya sasses. Everyone shakes there head.
"I think it's hot."
Thomas says winking at the both of us. EW.

The bell rings to signal the end of lunch.
"I'll send you the address Becca."
I look at Jacob.
Then I look toward Grey.
"Do you wanna come to. Please do, because I don't want to go and we can suffer together."

I beg. He pats my hard and smiles.
"Yeah I'll come."
I give him a big hug.
"Okay give me your phone I'll put my number in and text you the address to where to meet us. I'll be getting ready at Tanyas."

He nods his head and hands me his phone, I put my number in and give it back. Before he leaves the cafeteria I give him another big hug. When he leaves I turn back to Jacob who is still surprisingly standing there.
"Are y'all to like a thing?"

He questions glaring at where Grey was, then he looks at me."
I shake my head.
"No, we just met today and he's to adorable for me to think of him that way. Why?"

He turns away and starts walking.
"No reason, see you at the party."
He throws a wink over his shoulder and then exits the cafeteria.
So it looks like I'm going to a party tonight. Pray for me.
———————————————————————————Hey y'all, it's the one and only. I am so so so so so sorry for taking forever to post another chapter, writers block. It's a curse. I literally just though of this chapter I hope it didn't suck. If it did I'm truly sorry. I'm going to do a Jacob P.O.V when Rebecca and his relationship progress.🐸
Word count:1489
Cupcakes and rainbows luv🧁🌈

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