Chapter 3

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    My breathing quickens and my heart beats speeds up. I hear whispers from downstairs, but that's it.
   "Rebecca come downstairs."
My dad screams. I quickly stand up off my bed and go downstairs. I walk in the living room and see my mom hunched over in the floor crying.

I run over to her aid.
   "Shh mom it's okay."
My dad grabs a fistful of my hair, yanks me up and throws me across the room. I wince at the impact and land on the floor with a loud thump.
    "What the HELL were you doing up there?"
He stomps over to me. I look down to the floor like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
   "I was doing school work dad, I- I'm sorry."

I don't know what I was apologizing for. I look up to my dad and he's looking as mad as ever. He lifts me up off the floor and knees me in my stomach. I start tumbling down, when I get to the floor he kicks me a couple times then backs away.
   "Why the fuck was your mother all dressed up huh?  Was she going to go see another man, she's been fucking other people hasn't she?"

I didn't answer I just stayed quiet. He didn't like that because he kicked me again.
    "Fucking answer me, you dirty whore."
Tears were threatening to spill but I held them in.
    "No dad she was m- making dinner for y- you. She got all dressed up.....f- for you. She wanted to s-surprise you."

I finish with a quick exhale and glacé up to the man I once called my father. A look of regret quickly glanced his eyes but was soon replaced with more anger.

He then goes back to my mother, picks her up by her hair, drags her to their room and slams the door. That's the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


I woke up the same place I went out. I'm guessing it was from lack of oxygen, I'm not sure. I sat up slowly wincing at the pain on my stomach but still trying to sit up.

When I do I rest a while. This is like a normal thing to me, maybe not for others but... heh yea. I stand up wincing with every muscle I move, trying  to slow down my breathing. Then realization hits me. 'WHAT IN THE FUCK HAPPEND TO MOM!'

My eyes grew wide as I wobble to the outside of my parents room. I got to the door trying to gather every ounce of courage in my body, which by the way wasn't much.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. Dad was laying on top of my mom asleep, it's amazing how peaceful and sweet he looks while sleeping. My mom on the other hand is asleep with a sad look plastered on her face.

Her eye is swelled a little and there's a bruise on her right cheek. I take a deep breath at seeing she was physically okay. I slowly close the door and walk slowly to my room. I get inside and close the door. Then I walk to my closet grab my night clothes and head to the bathroom.

I take my clothes off and slip in the shower. Feeling the warmth of the water running down my face and body I sigh and do my business.

When I finish I slip on my clothes and walk back into my room. I walk in front of the mirror to see the damage. I had a bruise on the right side of my stomach. You can see where the purple is forming and starting to swell.

I have another right above the waistband of my shorts. Besides those and a massive headache I'm fine. I stare in the mirror a little longer. I'm glad I get most my looks from my mom, black curly hair that stops right above my elbows, brown skin, brown boring eyes, my lips are plump.

The only thing I have from my dad is the little brown freckles on my nose that are barely noticeable. After every beating I feel dirty and filthy. I hate the bruises on my skin and the way they make me feel. I lay down on my bed and breath.

That's all I can every do nowadays is breath. I don't cry or scream no mater how much I need to or want to I don't. Crying makes me feel weak, like I can't handle what I get.

Most of the time I think it's my fault for being beat, like I'm the reason he does it. It makes sense because it didn't start till I was born. The worst part is, the only person who cares for me has to pay for it right along with me. What if I disappear, will that make him stop?

I go to sleep with one thing on my mind.
The next morning I wake up feeling pain everywhere. I groan in annoyance standing off my bed. I get dressed in a black hoodie, blue jeans and pull on my matching pair of black converses. I put some dry shampoo in my hair and pull it up into ponytail and head downstairs.

When I walked into the kitchen moms sitting on the bar stool, I take the seat beside her. My mom was the first one to break the silence.
"How are you feeling sweaty?"
She asks looking at her hands.
"I'm fine, but I should be asking you. Mom are you okay."

I'm generally concerned, because last night was the first time HE ever drug her away like that. She took a deep breath and a few tears escaped her eyes. She looked up at me and broke, I engulfed her into a hug and just held her trembling body in my arms.

"He scared me so much last night, h- he told m-me he wanted another c-child and if I- d- didn't give him one h-he'd leave. I don't h-have a c-choice."
I looked at her confused.
"Okay mom shh calm down okay. Tell me everything."

She took a couple deep breaths and slowed her breathing.
"Last night when he took me to our room, he told me he wanted another kid because he wasn't happy with you. He told me to a have another kid with him or he'd leave. I just love him so much Bec, I'm so sorry. I- We're having another baby."

My eyes grew wide as realization hit me, mom is bringing another kid into OUR world. Into HIS world. He doesn't want me anymore. THEY don't want me anymore. I nodded and smiled at her.
"Are you okay?"
She looks at me and nods.
"Yes sweaty but I'm pregnant."

I sigh.
"Okay mom, I'm going to head to school so I'm not late. I love you."
She nods her head.
"Love you to hun."
I get up, grab my bag and walk out the door. I decide to text Tanya and ask her to come get me.
Me: ~hey, can u come get me?
Tanya: ~ yea ofc!! Omw
Tanya gets there 5 minutes later. I get into the car put on a fake smile and head to school.

———————————————————————————Hey beauties, author here. So this was like a really long chapter, sorry about that I just wanted to get passed all the bad things and get on to where y'all will get a better glimpse of Jacob in the next chapter. Do y'all want me to do questions...
1. Favorite hobby
2. Favorite movie
3. Favorite book on Wp.
Omw~ on my way
Word count: 1307
Lots of love 💗
Cupcakes and rainbows🧁🌈

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