Prince Of Pangbourne

Start from the beginning

After the Queen left, I peak inside to see the Princess sobbing in her bed. Looking upset and broken, well as many stories as I have known it is common for a Royal Monarch to marry someone with Royal Status as well. For the sake of the Kingdom and its people.

It is one of the saddest moments for a royal Princess. I firmly closes the door not making any sound.

Maybe it's better off she's alone. For now, space it's what she needs right now.


"Oh crap!"

"What are you doing Young Lady!?"

Of all people who's meeting me? Why Madam Samaria?

"Madam? I was just—"

"There is no time! Thank Goodness I've found you. The rest of the servants are busy but you. Come with me." she took my wrist pulling me somewhere away from the Princess' chamber. In the back of the castle I saw everyone doing their roles the butlers were in charge of the Garden. Meanwhile the Maids or female servants they were all inside.

The Garden was beautiful, the rose bushes were aline, the ground was green like grass and there were statues placed side by side. The Place was like a maze, imagine a rose bush garden like in Europe somewhere in England.

At the end of the Garden I widen my eyes to see the Prince and the Queen having a good time together. Their conversation about royal stuffs acting usual to one another but polite.

"Madam why am I here again?" I ask Madam Samaria.

"You are here to serve the Prince or Entertain him. Now go!" Madam Samaria ordered and pushes me enough to get noticed. Here I go.

"Oh the time has come. I'll see you in Dinner Prince Fang."

"It was a pleasure to meet you Your Majesty." Prince Fang said like a gentleman then bows. The Queen left with Madam Samaria following her. I turned to see the Prince greeting each others eyes.

"Your Highness." I bow cutting our eye contact together since its kinda awkward and I still hate my boss which reminds me of him, which is really him. Same face and name but different behaviour, I like it this way.

"You're Lady Ying right?" he ask.

"Oh. Your Highness yes. My name is Ying Liu, I will be your servant for today." Liu? Where did that come from? Well Liu it is then.

"A pleasure to meet you Miss Ying, my name is Fang Kage I, Prince of Pangbourne." he bowed taking my hand giving it a kiss. His touch made me feel surprised, my heart beating unexpectedly I never expect him to be this gentle and princely. How I wish he's like this in real life.

I blushed letting out a smile.

As I received my hand back, I started serving him drinks also accompanied him in the Garden, here we are now walking together with me shedding him from the sun with a big umbrella. The atmosphere in the garden was beautiful and relaxing. How I wish I have a garden like this too.

"Ying can I ask you a question?" he ask, not looking at my direction.

"Yes you may, Your Highness." I replied.

"What was your life like?"

With his unexpected question, I got confused. Oh my? What will I answer with it? How am I gonna tell him that I live in reality, working as a comic writer for him, his opposite self which is arrogant and rude. Should I lie? Or just make something up.

Here I go. Maybe I'll just alter it a bit.

"Well when I was young. My parents had to take away everything I love. Like being an—" is there even an Astronaut in this place!? Arghh this is so hard. Its aching my brain.

"They wanted me to work far away from my dream. They took my freedom of choices and decides for my life. But I realize its my life, they cannot control me forever so I decided to leave them and went to my supporting Grandparents." Idiot me! I was about to alter it but I felt emotional back there, remembering the hard moments with my parents, my past life.

Thank God my Grandmother is there to support me, with everything she got. I love her.

He gave me a look, and a touch in the shoulder.

He smiled. "We're on the same boat here. I feel you Ying."

I Smiled. Glancing back at him. "You do?"

"Yes because I Am forced against my will by my parents to Marry the Princess of this Kingdom. To form an allegiance between Pangbourne and Yahrizonia. I cannot refused because from the beginning we were arranged."

He looked away with hopeless in his eyes. It was sad, hearing our parents to decide for us was wrong. Yes they were practical and doing it for our sake but the freedom we yearn was stolen from us. They command our life ruining our lives and dreams.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to him.




I woke up abruptly to hear a loud voice coming from my front desk. I hyperventilated then sees Fang, my Boss. Its over? And then as I ignored his scolding about me sleeping in work, I covered my mouth to see the front screen of my computer.

The Story script? It's written detailed in my draft. Impossible? How could this be!? What is happening to me!? How did my dream got type in my draft?


Gosh, Do I have to deal with him? I feel really tired.

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