"Hi!" Harry says merrily as he walks up to me. He's wearing a bright orange t-shirt today, with a pair of black joggers coupled with the most dazzling grin I have seen on him so far.

"Why are you so happy?" I mumble grumpily. "I literally just woke up… I'm dying here. We slept like two hours."

He throws his head back with a laugh, bumping a fist into my shoulder. "Cheer up, it's our official one-daysary."

"What?" I rub my eyes as he slips past me and into the house.

"Our first full day of officially knowing each other! Obviously, we've got to hang out to celebrate."

"Obviously," I mock with a smirk, "or maybe you just needed an excuse to show up here."

"Don't call me out like that... At least I've got the coffee I'd promised," he holds out a bag bearing a logo of my favourite cafe, "and the donuts."

I peek into the bag, my stomach already reacting to the delicious aroma seeping out. "Okay, fine, since you got the berry one… But you need to give me a heads up before coming over next time. If you ever got spotted outside my house, I'd never hear the end of it."

"Relax, I've been doing this for a long time. Took a car with tinted windows and circled around a couple of times to make sure it's safe."

My lips part to tell him that paps are sneaky bastards. That they have their ways of avoiding being spotted, and he should be way more careful the next time. But, my thoughts are cut short when he abruptly turns around and I end up nearly bumping into his chest. He then takes a couple of long strides towards me until my back hits the wall, and we're left in a very awkward position with him hovering over me.

"I also got this for you," he pulls out a single violet flower, leaning down to stare into my eyes intently. I match his gaze with my own, completely taken aback by his abrupt actions.

He's so... odd.

"Okaaay… Thanks," I breathe out, trying to slip underneath his arm that's braced against the wall next to my head, but he playfully moves it lower so that I remain caged in. With my irritation rising rapidly, I narrow my eyes at him. "Uh, what are you doing, H?"

"Checking," he murmurs, leaning closer to my face. "Still checking…" We both stare at each other for a couple more seconds, unblinking, until he mutters, "Nah."

I'm left completely befuddled as he pulls back and starts walking deeper into the house. Slamming the front door behind me, I jog to catch up to him.

"What the hell, H?" I laugh incredulously.

"I finally have the means to test your reaction," he explains. "Was just checking if I finally chose the right one."


"Wait, you're still trying to guess my favourite flower?" I ask, glancing down at his gift in my hand. "Is this why you brought me one?"

I'd honestly believed that he had gotten tired of this game by now.

"I won't stop 'till I get it right," he plops down onto the sofa, arms spread wide apart. "Besides, it's our thing."

"You mean the flowers?" I ask with a quirk of an eyebrow.

"The flowers, the notes… Now that you can't ignore me anymore, our habits are back on." Judging by the look on his face, this clearly isn't up for a discussion. "I'm so bloody close too, I can feel it in my bones," he adds, crossing his ankles on my sunflower-printed carpet.

Yep. You really are, dummy.

"And if you want me to announce my presence next time, you might need to consider unblocking me," he adds cheekily.

The Fence || h. s. Where stories live. Discover now