"I don't even know Liam, I mean he was so nice at first during rehearsal until I got into the heels, then it's like his whole demeanour changed. I didn't even realize it was Louis who was holding me until he was walking away." I sighed softly and looked down at my fingers as Liam and I sat in silence for the rest of the trip. Somewhere during the journey started tapping my fingers on my jeans. This interview was another first, the last two weeks have been full of them. I saw Liam look out the window before he spoke.

"You'll do good, you got this. Be prepared though, looks like there are a lot of fans waiting outside. You're going to have to be prepared all the time now. If there aren't too many fans we'll stop and take pictures with them, but it looks like there might be too many." I looked out my window and saw fans on the footpath across from the radio station. We both heard the driver talk.

"We have to go around the back." He kept driving past the screaming fans, even with the windows up they were still quite loud. When the car got around to the back of the building we got out of the vehicle and were quickly taken inside before any fans could get around to stop us. I followed the boys to where we were being taken for the interview. As I got into the room I noticed there had only been five stool-like chairs and the boys had all grabbed one.

I slowly walked in and stood next to Niall and put the headset on, letting it cover only one ear as the interview started, Niall looked up at me before motioning for me to sit on his lap. I shook my head no before he pulled me onto his lap. I sat almost completely silent most of the interview answering a few questions here and there until I had a question directed specifically for me.

"Now Ember, some fans have been wanting to know more about you and some have been wanting us to ask you if you're dating Harry because of photos that appeared a few weeks ago." I tensed up almost instantly, the one question I'd been hoping to avoid. I suddenly felt one of Niall's thumbs run over my right arm, no more than a centimetre or two above my elbow. I gave a small chuckle before answering.

"Well I'm actually from Australia, my parents moved over here when I was about 13. They recently moved back and left the apartment for me so I could stay and finish my uni studies. I'm currently 21, so I guess that makes me the 'baby' of the group and I'm not dating Harry, those photos were from when we were recording and he decided to try and help me walk in some heels which I am atrocious at walking in." I looked over in Harry's direction while laughing as I said the last part and saw Louis who was standing next to him relax a little when I said I wasn't dating Harry.

The questions quickly returned to normal as there were more questions about the album and if there was any difficulty having a female member now in the group. Towards the end of the interview, I started pulling faces at Niall, causing him to laugh. Before I knew it the interview had finished and everyone was heading out to the vehicles. Niall grabbed my hand before opening the car door.

"We need to hurry before everyone realises we've finished and decides to rush around the back." I got into the car with Niall, putting on my seatbelt as we took off. I was dropped off first, and as I started to climb out he turned to ask me a question.

"Want me to pick you up for drinks tonight?" I shook my head at him, after the last month I wanted to have an early night for a change.

"Not tonight Niall, maybe another time?" I gave him a quick hug before finally getting out of the car. I felt bad but I was exhausted, if I was exhausted now I had no clue how I was going to handle touring but realised I would probably end up getting into a routine once it started. I heard the car take off as I started heading towards the front entrance and going inside the building.

The elevator came surprisingly quickly and took me up to my floor, walking down the hall I grabbed the keys from my bag and opened the door to the apartment. As I placed the keys down on the table at the entrance I saw a note from Claire.

'Going to the gym will see you when I get home. Oh, you may want to put a passcode on your phone now you're around five guys, this came through from your phone earlier." I lifted the note from Claire and saw a photo of Louis holding me while I had been sleeping. I read another note from my best friend that was underneath the picture in big capital letters.

'WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WITH THESE GUYS? I'd like some of that, where's my share? Claire.' I was too fuzzy-headed to bother texting her or leaving a note on the paper for her. I went to the bathroom and started running a bath.

I had an hour soak in the bath to try and relaxmy muscles, I would have stayed in longer if I hadn't started falling asleep. Igot out, dried off and dressed in a pair of pyjamas. I almost fell on the bed,too tired to eat or bother climbing under the quilt. I hoped the next howeverlong before the tour wouldn't be as tiring as the last month had been. That wasmy last thought before I fell into a deep sleep.

She's Not Afraid (One Direction) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now