Killermare: Come Back, My Love Pt 3

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  Nightmare pressed the knife harder onto Killer throat, his eye light projecting brighter. Killer glared back at him.

Crescent, on the other hand, tried to get up onto a chair to get onto the counter. He sighed and CAREFULLY placed the hammer down. He shook his hand before picking the hammer back up with a tentacle. He pushed himself onto teh chair then onto the counter. He shuffled across the slick counter top to his parents.

  Killer's eyes widened as he stared at his son. Nightmare cocked a brow. Crescent held the hammer in his grasp. He knew it wouldn't do much, but at least it would stun the king so his papa could move.

  Nightmare turned and was immediately blinded by a hard hit to the face. He hissed and let go of the knife to put his hands to his eye. Killer quickly moved in the few seconds he had and picked Crescent up off the counter. He raced upstairs.

  "That little shit.." Nightmare muttered, staring upstairs. He made eye contact with Crescent, who shivered as Killer headed down the hallway.

  He stared at the ground, scoffing. That little knife couldn't do nearly as much damage as his tentacles. He stared a the stairs and grinned. He closed his eyes, concentrating.

  When he opened his eyes, he heard a yelp and felt something crash into him. He grinned and looked. Down at Killer and his son. Killer held Crescent close to him, sheukding him with his arms. Nightmare swayed his tentacles.

  "You really thought you could escape, hm?" He said.

  Killer hugged Crescent tighter, "Leave us alone." He stated.

  Nightmare cocked a brow before laughing. His dark laugh echoed through the hallway.

  "Pft, ha! Jeez, Kills, I didn't remember YOU being so weak and helpless! I didn't know you needed a child to protect you from.. What did you call me again?" Nightmare pretended to think before his eye light lit up, "Boss, was it?" He asked, his tentacles swaying with excitement and amusement.

  Killer felt a pain in his soul as he remembered how Nightnare used to treat him, back when he did call Nightmare his 'Boss'. Crescent gave Nightmare a glare.

  "You're a selfish and shitty father." His small voice said, "I may hate the both of you with a large passion but at least papa does stuff with me. And at least he has the guts to stand up to someone like you and put monster like YOU back in their place." He sneered, shocking Killer.

  Crescent stood from his papa's arms, "I am NOT afraid of you." He stared blankly, his tentacles flicking like Nightmare's.

  Nightmare grinned, "Oh? But, Crescent, you ARE me." He said

  Crescent curled his tentacles at the sentence. He narrowed his eyes.

  "I am nothing like you." He said.

  Nightmare glanced at Killer, "Mm.. I don't think so." He glanced back at Crescent, "You're my son. Every trait you have is from me. That stupid, kindhearted soul you have, however, is from your 'mother' and FUCK does it get on my nerves." He said, his tentacles lashing out in front of him.

  Crescent backed away. Nightnare rolled his eyes.

"I'm bored of this." He stated blankly, sharpening his tentacles.

  Killer yanked Crescent down and ducked over him, dodging a tentacle. He shoved Crescent aside and summoned a random knife from god knows where. He sliced an incoming attack, creating a shriek from the king.

  Nightmare stared at his tentacle and watched as it regenerated. He hissed at Killer.

  "Oh, baby. We're just getting started." Nightmare said with a sinister grin.

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