"Moony." Sirius choked. It was the only word he could bear to say.

Remus gasped at Harry in Sirius' arms, his expression as relieved as that of someone who had seen the light of day through the darkest night.

"Lily?" He stammered.

Sirius shook his head, tears burning his eyes. He pursed his lips to keep from sobbing.

"Remus, look." Sirius whispered as he made his way down the last couple of steps. Turning slightly, the glint of a pink scar was visible through the dark of the entryway.

"The killing curse," Remus whispered.

Tear blotches stained Harry's face and he slept tensely in Sirius' arms.

"That bastard tried to kill him," said Sirius.

"How did he survive?" Remus asked, wiping the tears from his face.

"I don't know, but he did."

"We need to get someone," Remus stumbled, now freighted at the fact that they were alone.
"Maybe Dumbledore? Or Minerva?"

Something moved with a brisk quickness in his peripheral vision, making Renus whip his head around instinctively.

"Speak of," Sirius wiped his face with his sleeve and started at a feverish walk towards the door.

"Take Harry, I'll go get her." Said Sirius as held out the sleeping baby. Harry fussed at the switch, but settled into the familiar feeling of Remus' arms. He was frozen where he stood. He didn't hold Harry often, he was horribly afraid of the thought of dropping his or making him cry. Mishandling a baby as small as him brought forth great anxiety, he didn't even have the confidence to rock him.

"Minerva!" Sirius hissed, watching the grey feline stop in her tracks. The cat turned, stood still, and walked away.

"Are we sure that's her?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Minerva!" Sirius spoke quickly, his face twisting in anger at the cats ignorance.

"Shit. I'll be back."

Before Remus could answer, the black, scruffy dog was already at a sprint out of the open door.

Getting closer to the end of the street, he slowed to a trot and followed the cat with a stealth in each step. Forty excruciating seconds later, Padfoot was dragging the hissing cat by the scruff back inside as it attempted to claw its way out of his grip.

Sirius brought the cat inside and turned back into his original form.

"My god, Minnie, Look what happened!" Sirius bellowed through the silent house.

Minerva, now standing on two feet, gasped at the sight of the house.

"What happened? I thought you all were out?" She exclaimed as she clutched her chest, the dark fabric of her robe filling her hands.


"Don't speak his name!" she shrieked as she knelt down by James. She raised her hand slowly to his still face and closed his eyes, petting his hair with a motherly touch.

"And Lily?" She got up once more, tears spilling from her eyes.

Sirius shook his head.

All the hope drained from her face, continuing to add to the already gloomy room.

"Harry, is he alright?" She walked closer to Remus, her hand cupping the child's face. Remus tilted him gently towards her as she smoothed the scar on his forehead with her thumb.

"He did that? How did he survive?" She asked, scooping him out of Remus arms. Harry didn't make a sound.

"You poor thing." She mumbled. "Will you be taking him to Petunia?" She rocked him gently as if she wanted him to sleep.

"Are you mad? No." He barked. Sirius fumed in anger, a furious expression washing over any trace of sorrow.

"He cannot stay here." She uttered, her gaze still glued to Harry in her arms.

"He'd be safer with two wizards who can protect him!" Remus finally said. He was often quiet in situations like this, but after today he wouldn't be.

"And do you see how that turned out? Where will you go?"

"They were not prepared! We will be! I won't allow it to happen!"

"Hush. You'll upset him." Minerva whispered. "If you want to keep him, talk to Albus." Said Minerva as she rubbed Harry's back. She always had wonderful mothering qualities, but Remus never knew if she had any children or not. He came to the conclusion that if she did had any, she didn't love them more than she loved the four of them. Now that thought seemed like a distant memory.

"He's not the godfather! I am! He doesn't decide what's already been chosen." Sirius' full attention was on her, his surroundings meaningless to her answer. The sun started to rise through the corner of the shattered window, the light splintered across the floor.

"You're right." she started, now staring at James behind them. "Albus doesn't have control of him, The Ministry of Magic does. The child is part of The Prophecy."

She was right. The ministry controlled every aspect of the Wizarding world. If anything was political, it was part of The Ministry. Even if it may be a child.

"I don't care what the Ministry says. They don't own us or him. Harry's ours now, Remus and I are in perfect shape to care for him." Said Sirius furiously.

"It's not up to me. I have a class to teach today. I'll send Albus." She smiled pitifully at Harry, then gently handed him back to Sirius. The room was silent once more, the darkness of the nightmare in front of them faded to the bright glow of burning grief.

Word count: 1568

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