Crossover 6

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We all congregated outside school the next day, i had gone to get Clay after dropping of Nixie at nursery. I looked at Clay.

"You ready to do this?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."  I smiled at him and we walked in together and nothing was different, it was a bit anti climatic.

"Well, that was anti climatic."  Sweet Pea shrugged

"Clay what the hell?!" Justin and the others came up to us.

"Spoke to soon dude." Fangs hit his arm

"You're one of them, when did this happen?"

"This weekend, problem." Clay huffed

"They're criminals."

"Speak for your self I've got a clean record." I snip

"We're all criminals one way or another Justin, besides I fit in with them more than ever."

"Wow Clay."

"Look I'm sorry but we gotta go." Clay told them

"This is your doing." Justin stopped me

"Excuse me."

"Ever since he came back, he's been different and now he's one of you."

"First of we're not some disease infested people, vampires or zombies, we didn't turn him. Second of all It was Clays choice, he asked we never forced him and third. I was friends with Clay before you all even fully acknowledged him, when I left, we still kept in touch so here is what you can do Justin, you can kiss my ass."

"Burn." most of the serpents called.

"Your Parent's won't like this."

"Maybe not but I'm 18 and doing what I think is right, so..." he shrugged and we all left.

--3rd pov--

Amber dropped Clay at home at the end of the day planning to meet up later, when he got in the house, his parents and Justin were waiting.

"You snitched." he breathed knowing this was coming.

"Thank you Justin." Lainie" stated and Justin left the three alone. "Sit" she told him. Clay took off his jacket and dropped it over the chair .

"So it's true then. You've joined a gang, my own son has joined a gang."

"Mom." he sighed

"No, what on earth were you thinking, these are criminals. The have records and they're only here on bad luck."

"Not all of them are Criminals, mom. Amber isn't."

"So you got into this because of her then, you're trying to impress a girl?"

"No, Look. When I'm with them, I feel a sense of belonging, they don't judge you, they have a code and to be fair as long as you don't trouble them, they're harmless."

"That doesn't justify you join them."

"How about this then. I don't feel so fucked up around them, my head and my thoughts aren't everywhere I feel what Hannah should have felt. Safe. i have someone in my corner not questioning or pressuring me like you do sometimes even though I love you. I get you don't like me being a serpent, but you can't stop me. And if you loved me you would accept that I'm happy now that i'm with them." He stood up and left his parents sharing an exasperated look


Later on there was a knock at the Jensen house and Mrs Jensen answered it. It was Amber.

"Hi mrs Jensen."

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