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┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ♡
┌──── ,,Why are you so tall?!"







┌ . . .

If this isn't
your cup of
tea, don't
read, please.

. . . ┘






Kaeya stared up at the Ex-Archon and met his tender and sincere gaze. The long haired brunette held onto his boyfriend tightly as he picked him up from the ground and proceeded to carry him, making his way through Springvale. Kaeya, while fighting a couple abyss mages, got hurt. Luckily, his dear lover was there to help him out.
,, Babe, where are you taking me? Is it the statue of Ameno? " Kaeya questioned as he wrapped his arms around Zhongli's neck. ,, Yes, dear.. " Zhongli replied, pecking his injured boyfriend's forehead. Zhongli's hand slightly slid, causing it to gently caress Kaeya's ass as if it was a priceless treasure. Kaeya's eyes widen and looked at his boyfriend in some sort of shock and embarrassment. ,, b-babe.. " he let escape his mouth. Zhongli looks back down, making eye contact with the flustered knight, responding with a 'hm.'
,, N-Nevermind.. " he said and hid his red tomato face into his tall boyfriend's neck. ,, Oh, alright then. " the taller boy said blankly. Little before the blueberry color haired boy knew it; they had arrived to their destination. Zhongli got closer to the statue and let it restore their HP. The shorter boy sighed with relief and the taller boy put him down, staring at his, now relaxed, cute knight. He gave Kaeya a warm smile as the other boy smiled back at him.
     Kaeya stared at his perfect boyfriend, he was handsome, pretty, he had a caring personality, very tall and- wait what..? The blueberry just noticed the height difference between him and his boyfriend. It's not like he didn't know zhongli was tall, it's just he never paid attention to the difference in height.
      Zhongli stared down at Kaeya and then crouched down to 'his level.' For one of the first times in the knight's life, he felt like a midget. You know, like venti- no no no, more like Xiao. He finally understood why Xiao was always so grumpy to him and anyone taller. Kaeya immediately got slightly annoyed as his boyfriend seemed as if he was staring at a bug.
     The tall man noticed the facial expression on his lover and slightly tilted the bluenette's chin back, placing a small, short,but also savoring kiss; on the knight's angelic lips. ,, Is something the matter..? " he asked in such a tone, Kaeya couldn't even stay annoyed as he pitied his boyfriend for being so fucking amazing and perfect. The Calvary captain smooshed the ex-archon's cheeks together, kissing him passionately. He separated from his lover's lips with a small lip pop.
    ,, Kaeya, please tell me. " he whispered sweetly into the blueberry's ear. Kaeya wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck, keeping him on 'his level', as he once again stared at his lovely boyfriend. ,, why are you so tall?! " he blurted out with a pout, zhongli, knowing his lover meant this in a playful, cute manner; he chuckled softly. He locked eyes with his lover and teasingly said ,, I don't know, just drink more milk. " Kaeya playfully punched Zhongli's shoulder, laughing it off with a annoyed but relaxed expression.





┌                                           . . .

There it is!
I hope you
enjoyed, thank
you for reading.

. . .                                           ┘




533 words
Total : 548

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