Chapter 8- Is that your natural hair color?

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Another week of school has gone by. We had a couple akuma attacks but not too many. I'm still hanging out with the same group so not much has changed.


Its Saturday and I'm currently sitting on my bed, reading (fave book), when I hear my phone go off. I look down at my phone to see that I've received a text message from the class group chat.

I tap on the notification and open the message app. I read the message Juleka sent. She was inviting us to help her clean her boat for Kitty Section's rehearsal at 2:30.

boat? band? classmates?

I think I'll pass.

I type back, 'cant, busy.'. Short and simple so I don't waste my time or anyone else's. My phones goes off a couple more times, my guess, classmates responding. I choose to ignore them and get back to my book.

An hour goes by and I'm still on my bed, reading my book. I fold the top corner of the page I'm on and close the book. I stand up and put it on the small table next to my bed.

I lay on my bed and look up at the ceiling, I close my eyes. All I can think about was the night I went to the Eiffel Tower.


*Flash Back*

The cold, breezy air hits my face as I'm swinging through the streets of Paris. I remembered to turn invisible a couple minutes ago, just in case anyone sees me. But I doubt that, it's like really late.

As I swing through, I look up at the sky and gaze at the stars. pretty.

I make it to the Eiffel Tower. I land on the platform and become visible. I turn towards the city and take in the view, all the houses have their lights on making the view even more beautiful. I turn back and pull out my phone, and open the camera app. I turn my back towards the lights. I smile and hold up the middle finger and snap a photo.

I look at the photo and laugh a bit. I send the photo to Miles, with the plan of making him jealous.

haha he's gonna be annoyed.

I stare into the city for a couple more minutes, when I notice a figure moving through the streets. It looks like it's.... chat noir?

And he's....coming this way?!

"shit. what do I do??!?!?" I whisper under my breath.


should I change into my suit?

fuck it's in my closet.

or should I stay in civilian form?

If I stay in civilian form, he'll be confused how I got up here since the stairs are closed off. But if I try to leave, he might see me.

While I list the pros and cons in my head, the figure gets closer. I quickly decide to turn invisible and hide in a corner. He gets to the tower and sits on the ledge. He starts talking to himself.

"Gosh, why won't she listen to me?!"

I wonder who he's talking about?

"She's ignorant, disobedient and overall rude. I shouldn't surround myself with people like her!" He says with an annoyed voice.

He calms down and looks at his hands in his lap.

"but I just... can't seem to stay away from her." He says quietly and calm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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