• 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗲 •

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watch out for spelling mistakes!

i stared in the mirror, taking in my appearance.

i hate everything i see.

i shouldn't have eaten so much at dinner last night, but finn would've noticed & tried to talk to me.

it's gonna take so long to burn those calories off, i'll figure out a way to do it though.
i continued to stare at myself, feeling my eyes water at the person infront of me.

this isn't me, is this what people see me as?

is this what finn see's me as? he probably thinks i'm an ugly, fat monster.

there are so many other beautiful people out there that finn would probably leave me for.
it doesn't help that his fandom picks on my weight either.

why is he even with me?
i'm literally disgusting.

i looked back at the dress finn had bought for me a few weeks ago. i couldn't even fit it anymore.

we're supposed to be going out tonight at a fancy restaurant & i don't want to wear the dress.

i don't even wanna eat infront of him.
i felt tears run down my cheeks. fuck he's gonna notice that i was crying & ask what's wrong.

i hate lying to finn. i've been upset about my weight for the past four days now & i have to put on a fake smile everytime.

i don't wear certain clothes anymore & i think he's noticed but chooses not to say anything.

i brought my hands down & poked at my hip-dips.
god, why can't i have perfect legs & a flatter stomach.

my arms are huge, i feel so big.

at this point i was crying & i couldn't stop. i put my hand to my mouth to try & silence my sobs but it didn't do much, just sounded like it was being muffled.

he's literally downstairs. i can't do this.
i ran out of the bathroom & into finn & i'd shared bedroom. i buried myself under the covers & continued to sob.

my mind was constantly over thinking on how he'll leave me for someone prettier & skinnier.
i don't even know how he can look at me & be fine with me looking the way that i do.

i heard the door open, mentally cursing myself because now he knows that i'm upset.

"y/n/n?" he called out.

i continued to cry, trying my hardest to keep quiet. maybe i could just pretend that i'm asleep.

he walked over to the bed, sitting down & tapping me, "y/n?"

i hesitated for a moment.
"c'mon i know you're awake. why are you crying?" he asked as he ran a hand over my body through the cover. i flinched at his touch, not wanting him to feel how disgusting i was.

"hey, hey, hey. what's wrong?" he asked quietly.

"please leave me alone." i cried out. i waited a moment & then i felt him lay down beside me.

he hugged me, "i'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong."

i yanked the cover off of myself, "i'm not going to the dinner."

he furrowed his eyebrows, "why not? i made reservations last week because i want to take you out. i love you." he pouted playfully, moving a strand of hair out of my face.

"finn i can't go, i'm so fucking fat & ugly."

he sat up & stared at me, a look of horror on his face, "why would you ever say that about yourself? y/-"

"i don't even fit into the dress you bought for me anymore!" i cried.

he ran a hand through his curls, "babe that's fine. i can just get you another dress, everything will work out."

i sat up this time & faced him, "no finn, that's the problem! i don't want another dress! i want to be skinny i don't wanna eat anymore!" i buried my face into my hands.

"y/n, you have to eat. listen to me, you're not fat. i think you look amazing & nothing will change my mind." finn put his arms around me, hugging me close to him.

"yes i am, you're just lying." i whimpered into his shoulder.

he rubbed my back, pressing a kiss to my cheek, "i'm not lying to you, you're not fat."

i finally wrapped my arms around him.
he continued holding me until speaking again,
"you're thick."

i pulled back from the hug, "w-what?"

i watched as finn stood up, pulling me with him. he stepped back & admired my body.

"you're perfectly proportioned, just look at you." he whispered.
i crossed my arms over my chest, "i don't want to look at myself. i'm disappointed everytime i look in the mirror."

he came closer to me, "but you shouldn't be. look, you're thick. you have an ass & your tits are beautiful. if you haven't noticed, i'm obsessed with your body. it's literally so fucking beautiful & you're healthy."
he paused before bringing his hands down to my hips,
"plus i love gripping these while we're... y'know." he blushed & smiled sheepishly.

i smiled at his statement, he really does.

"see? i love every part of you. & i mean it when i say you have nothing to worry about, you're perfect and beautiful. just accept it." he placed his palm on my cheek & pulled me to his lips.

he was the first one to break the kiss, "i understand if you don't want to go out, we could just order a pizza & watch some netflix or something... but i really wanna spend my night with you."

i pulled him back down to my lips, murmuring against him, "i love you."

we pulled apart again, finn pulling me down onto the bed & wrapping his arms around me, "i love you too. so much." he peppered my face with kisses.

i know that no matter what, finn will always love me & take care of me. vice versa, because that's how it should always be.

1029 wc
this was kinda bad but i needed to get something out.


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