Chapter 2

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Izuku awoke with a whimper. Every single bone in his body felt like it was shattered. A horrible odor made its way to his nose, and he wrinkled his muzzle.

"He's awake, guys," a soft, feminine voice sounded horribly loud in his ears. He whimpered again, burying his head in the warm blankets.

Wait... warm blankets?

Izuku flinched as he felt a hand slowly come down on his back, only relaxing slightly as he recognized one of the alpha's scent from before.

"Hey, pup," the raspy voiced alpha said. "Don't worry, it's just me, Bakugo. The cooler mate," Izuku heard a breathy laugh come from him.

Izuku sensed two presences on either side of him, and he realized that he was on a bed. A very, very soft bed. He had forgotten what the simple comfort of blankets could bring to him.

"Cooler mate?" the other alpha repeated incredulously. "What's that supposed to mean?" Izuku felt a gentle hand rub at his ears, and he gave out a small sigh of contentment.

"Don't listen to him, pup," the male said, scratching behind his ears. "I'm the funner mate."

Izuku could practically feel the eyeroll the other alpha gave in response. The one who called himself Bakugo chuckled, and the omega took great comfort in the simple sound.

"Boys, boys," the same female spoke with a slight, lilting accent. Izuku sniffed the air quietly, and could tell that she was a beta. "You can argue about this later. Right now, I need him to transform back, okay?"

Izuku tensed visibly, burying his head deeper into the folds of the blankets. His small body shook slightly. Almost immediately, he smelled the comforting pheromones flowing off the two alpha's by his sides. Never once did the hands stray from rubbing his back soothingly.

It felt... nice.

"You've slept for a long time, pup," the alpha called Kirishima, said gently. "I don't know much about omegas, but I know that it's very painful to stay in your wolf form for long."

Now that the alpha had mentioned it, Izuku became aware of the horrible pain in his body. He whimpered quietly, his body shaking. His bones felt like they were going to explode. His head felt as if someone was banging on it with a massive hammer, and he couldn't breathe properly through the pain in his chest. He didn't think he could even muster the strength to shift back to his human form.

"I know you're tired, hun," the female beta said soothingly. "But I need you to shift back to your human form so I can help your body heal. Can you do that? You can fall right back asleep after I've checked you over."

Izuku's breathing increased. He tried to change back, tried to shift to his human form. But it wasn't working. He was just too tired to muster up the energy. Slowly, he opened his eyes, distressed pheromones leaking from him.

He was met with a kind lady's gaze. Her eyes were a pretty dark grey, her black hair pulled up into a tight ponytail. She wore a white dress shirt and a short skirt, black surgical gloves adorning her elegant hands. She gave him a warm smile, dimples showing happily.

"My name is Momo," she introduced herself. "I work for your mates. I'm the best doctor around here!"

Izuku knew only one thing. He would not shift in front of his alphas. Every time he had shifted from his wolf form before, he had been in immense pain. He didn't want to appear weak in front of his ma- the alphas.

The beta looked deep into his eyes, and a spark of understanding seemed to light inside of her eyes. She gave a small nod of her head, then turned her attention to the two kings.

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