xiaoven fic (fluff)

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"my heart only knows you" by azurest on ao3
type: fluff, light angst
description: [none]

In retrospect, Venti should have known this would be a bad idea.

Actually, he should have known long ago that the circumstances were... less than ideal.

Unlike many of the other archons, or other immortal creatures, Venti was not one to shy away from interpersonal connections. He delighted in them, and saw the potential for what it was: an opportunity to grow, learn, and to give. Such things were what made freedom so special. The unique experiences that came with the forging of bonds was not a privilege he would choose to give up anytime soon, nor had Venti ever sought to question if his principles contained any loose ends.

He still hadn't thought to do so after meeting the most fascinating adeptus of Liyue. Venti was never able to identify why he found the elusive Yaksha so interesting, but that didn't bother him, not initially. In fact, it was normal for Venti to come across someone who stood out amidst the sea of people he came across in his travels, who snagged his attention with no hope of shaking it. It had certainly been that way with Venessa. It had even been that way with the honorary knight of Monstadt. And as of recently, it had been that way with Xiao.

Venti was familiar with a prickly personality or two, and so Xiao's aloof demeanor and abrasive manner did not unsettle him in the slightest. Perhaps it was because he noticed Xiao's eyes would follow him, focus undeterred and curiosity seemingly piqued. Or maybe it was because, after the second or third visit, Venti heard less bite in his tone when insisting on his departure. Then when their time together progressed from spare moments when Venti found himself traversing Liyue, to deliberate visits when the desire to meet moved in odd ways inside his chest, still, he thought nothing of it. He was not the type to dwell too deeply on matters-- he simply saw them through to their end.

And more than anything, recently, he wanted to see Xiao.

Though he never took the time to reflect on it, Venti did acknowledge-- privately, in his own mind-- that things between them had been changing. Xiao seemed to be less tense, less indignant, and was even mumbling a joke or two of his own. They were terrible, and fell awfully flat, but Venti was always thrilled to hear them anyways. There had even been times, once or twice, when he thought he saw Xiao's face redden ever so slightly from Venti's fits of laughter at the awkward, unpracticed quips, with a faint smile gracing his lips. It would be gone in a moment, falling away as soon as Venti touched his arm or said his name, but it had been there.

Touch, too, had become more frequent between them. While Venti was not shy about being physically affectionate, he did not brazenly engage in it either. He preferred it in rarity, sweet and seldom, to emphasize sincerity. Yet he found himself drawn towards Xiao with every nerve of his body, hardly able to resist gently brushing his finger along the other's skin, or the occasional embrace. Xiao had been distasteful of it before, but now he would turn his body towards Venti, head inclined towards the points in which they made contact. He would still sneer, as if annoyed, but never withdrew. He always held himself perfectly still, a man on a cliff's edge, breath inert and eyes uncertain. Those moments, watching Xiao navigate the novelty of such casual exchanges, made Venti feel as if his heart was dancing on the edge of that cliff right along with him.

Going to the Sea Lantern Festival had been Venti's idea. It had been some time since he'd been to Liyue and experienced one of their traditional celebrations, and it would be the first he'd attend since meeting Xiao. It sounded so lovely, and he wanted more than anything for the two of them to spend it together. Of course, the broody individual in question had hemmed and hawed about going, saying it was nothing more than an excuse for mortals to "toss glowing garbage into the sea". Despite his grousing, it did not take much for him to relent, allowing Venti to drag him by hand to the harbor-- without letting go, the whole way.

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