the camera

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!!Smut chapter!!

Word count: 2015

Narrators POV

They decided to finish shooting early. It had been 45 minutes since Ryan came out of the cell and he was still crying. He had an anxiety attack while he was being held by Shane and he  had to sit on the ground so he wouldn't pass out. Shane sat next to him and held him close, not caring that he was taking up the shooting time. After a few more minutes Ryan pulled away from Shane and wiped his eyes. "S-sorry.." He looked down at his lap as his cheeks started burning. "Don't be. You needed a hug." Shane smiled softly. They sat in silence for a moment. "We don't have to stay here if you don't want to, I can drive us back." Shane offered, trying to be nice to him. He knew exactly what to do after someone had a anxiety attack since he has had a few and Ryan got them occasionally while filming. Ryan thought for a moment then shook his head and looked back at him. "No.. I already took up all the time during shooting, it wouldn't be fair to leave when we said we were gonna stay." Ryan stood up carefully and Shane followed. "Are you sure?" Ryan nodded again. The crew had already set up all their stuff in their own cells while Ryan was crying. Shane decided that he would stay in the same cell as Ryan, so if something happens he was there to protect him. They laid down their sleeping bags and organized their stuff in the corner of room. Ryan went to take off his shit and then remembered Shane was there. "C-could you uh... turn around?" He blushed a light pink as Shane looked down at him. "Hmm? Oh! Uh yeah of course." Shane turned around and blushed lightly. Ryan turned away from him and took off his black shirt and his jeans. Shane looked over for a second, seeing the short mans back muscles and biceps which were surprisingly toned. Shane blushed a little brighter. He then noticed some scars on the side of his torso. They looked old, but Shane still felt bad. He shook his head and turned back around waiting for Ryan to say he was done. Ryan put on one of his old, oversized disney hoodies and some grey gym shorts. "Ok i'm good.." He said softly as he sat down on his sleeping bag. Shane smiled and walked to his bag, grabbing out a black shirt and some dark grey sweat pants. Ryan turned around and let Shane change, sneaking a few peeks. Shane laid down on his sleeping bag and yawned softly. "I'm gonna go to bed if you don't mind." He looked to Ryan who was laying down while he was on his phone. "Alright, good night." He smiled softly, though it didn't look genuine since he was still a little rattled. Shane rolled over and mumbled a good night back. Ryan bit his bottom lip softly. "uhm.. before you fall asleep I just wanna say.." He mumbled out, not even knowing if Shane could hear him. Shane made a small 'hmm?' noise and Ryan looked up at the ceiling. "Thank you.. you know for calming me down.." He blushed lightly. Shane smiled sleepily. "No problem.." He drifted off to sleep. Ryan debated whether he should go to sleep or not, considering the spirits in the prison, but he fell asleep while deciding.

It was now 2:48 AM and they were both asleep. The room was incredibly cold, probably due to the fact there was no heaters and it was the middle of winter. Ryan rolled in his sleep and hit his arm on the wall since his sleeping bag was very close to it. It woke him up and he groaned softly. He rolled back around and shut his eyes again. Just before he fell asleep he heard a small noise, like a knock coming from the door. Ryan sighed and stood up quietly, trying to not wake Shane. He opened the door (since it was cracked they could still open it), but no one was there. He sighed, assuming he imagined it since he was very tired. He closed the door completely accidentally and he laid back down. He closed his eyes and got comfortable. He suddenly felt something touch his sleeping bag and move towards his stomach. He assumed it was Shane since he would sometimes accidentally put his arm around Ryan's chest when they were asleep near each other. "Shane keep your hands to yourself.." He mumbled softly, but the thing grabbed onto his torso and held him down. He opened his eyes to see if Shane was awake or if he was doing it in his sleep. But Shane was rolled over, facing the other wall. Ryan still felt something gripping his torso and started breathing heavily. He couldn't move or breath properly. Something was holding him down. "S-shane?" Ryan said quietly. He was still asleep. Ryan's heart was now beating fast, faster then when he was around the taller man. "S-SHANE?!" Shane heard him and opened his eyes and rubbed them. "Y-yeah?" Shane turned over and saw Ryan laying on his back, breathing heavily, and looking at him with tears in his eyes. Shane immediately sat up and moved over to him, placing his hand on his forearm. As soon as he touched Ryan the pressure was released from his torso and he sat up gasping and sobbing. "W-what the fuck just happened?!" Shane asked, but Ryan couldn't answer. He pulled Ryan into his arms for the second time tonight.

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