youre my bestfriend.

227 4 2

Word count: 1736

Narrators POV

It was the next day at 4:00 PM. Since they were filming that day they didn't have to come in until it was time for them to go to the prison. Shane walked into work holding two drinks. One black coffee with no creamer, Shane's, and one vanilla bean frappe with extra whipped cream, Ryan's. He walked into their office to see the shorter man shoving camera equipment into a bag, his back towards the door. Shane admired him for a second before speaking up. "BOO!" Shane said, nearly giving Ryan a heart attack. "Jesus christ Shane! Nearly fucking scared me to death!" Shane chuckled and handed him the drink. "Sorry, didn't realize you were that big of a baby." Ryan huffed. "I'm not a baby." He took a sip of his drink and zipped up the bag. "Well.." Shane smirked. "At least I'm not the one who asked to cuddle." Ryan said as he smiled up at him. "Fuck you, I told you to never bring that up, I was totally wasted!" Shane's face flushed red. "But it's hilarious!" It's true, Ryan and Shane went out drinking once and Shane got wasted. While he walked to Ryan's (Ryan didn't want Shane to be alone that drunk) he started crying and asking to cuddle, which eventually did happen when they got to Ryan's (though nothing more happened). He swore that he'd never get drunk around Ryan again. Shane turned away and grabbed the bag, having a free hand since his bag was on his back. "Ready to go?" He tried to change the subject, refusing to make eye contact with him. Ryan grabbed his backpack and sleeping bag. "Yep." They walked out and headed to Ryan's car, whenever they drove to a spot they took his car since it got better mileage. They packed up the trunk and closed it, the rest of the crew would follow them in separate cars. Shane slid into the passengers seat and put on his seat belt, yawning softly into his hand. Ryan got in and turned on the engine, buckling up as he smiled softly at Shane.

It was a hour into a drive and Shane had fallen asleep, his arm against he window with his face against his hand. They were on a long stretch of road surrounded by trees so Ryan put on cruise control and held onto the steering wheel, leaning back in his seat. He looked over at Shane, admiring the taller man. He looked surprisingly peaceful, usually when they were together Shane looked stressed and had bags under his eyes even though he acted like he didn't have a care in the world. He smiled softly and turned his attention back to the road. 'I guess he's kind of cute..' His heart started to beat little faster, something that would only happen when he was around Shane. He assumed that was normal bro stuff, the thought that he was in love with him (which he was) never even crossed his mind before now. He looked back over at Shane, blushing lightly as he looked at lips. 'Fuck...' A sudden realization hit him as he looked back out the windshield. He liked Shane... a lot. More then his other friends. More then his exes. He bit his bottom lip and tightened his grip on the wheel. 'Fuck.. FUCK. What the actual FUCK? You... You can't like you're best friend.. right?' He glanced back over at Shane, who was now waking up. 'Ok.. chill out. You're just friends.. he doesn't even like guys!' Ryan quickly looked away from him and sat up slightly. "Fucking finally.." He said, trying to not show that he literally just found out he's in love with him. "I've been so bored." Shane grabbed the handle on the roof of the car, pulling himself up. "You could've put on some music you dumbass." He rubbed his droopy eyes and yawned softly. "Well I didn't want to wake you." Ryan said softly. "Aw, you care about me." He smirked softly, glancing at him. "Shut up Shane." He snickered and sat back, crossing his right ankle over his left knee. "How much longer? We're literally in the middle of nowhere." They were in the middle of nowhere, though the prison was made to be completely secluded. "Only 25 minutes away." Shane sighed and grabbed the aux chord, putting on some old songs. I wanna hold your hand by The Beatles came on and Shane instantly started singing. Ryan laughed at him, thinking he was an absolute dork. He serenaded Ryan at the lyrics "And when I touch you I feel happy, inside." Which they both blushed at. Ryan admired him as he did little dances and ran his fingers through his shaggy hair. 'He's so annoying...' He shook his head after the song ended. "You're such a dork." Shane laughed. "Says the guy who is obsessed with Disneyland. You do know you're 29, right?" Ryan chuckled. "Fuck you, Disney is for all ages you know that." They both laughed and drove the rest of the way humming to Shane's music, which Ryan had to admit, he had taste.

(time skip brought to you by ricky goldsworth)

It was now 10:30 PM and they were nearing the end of filming. Ryan was absolutely terrified of the place.

(some background about the prison which i made up for da story <3)

The prison was surround by a forest that was very lush. It was constructed in the 30's with originally 4 cell blocks (50 cells each) with only 3 blocks still standing. It had high vaulted ceilings, attempting to mimic the architecture of a church, and was made to be completely secluded by society. It was originally built to hold "crazy" prisoners from prisons in Oregon and California, but then started taking in mental patients from mental hospitals who the doctors said "went insane". They administered electric shock therapy, experimental drugs, and had doctors practice their skills on the patients. A total of 154 died from the drugs and therapy , 68 died from the doctors practicing on them, 26 killed themselves in their cells, and 11 died from the guards/nurses abusing them. In 1960 patients stopped being sent to the prison. In 1964 the patients set fire to one of the cell blocks, killing 26 nurses and patients. A total of 285 deaths occurred in the prison. The doors to this horrible place were finally closed in 1968.

They arrived at the cell that had the most reported activity in the entire facility. "This is cell number 23 in cell block 3. Probably the worst cell in this entire place." Ryan said, trying to keep his voice from shaking. "What what happened in here?" Shane stepped in and shone his flashlight around the huge bare cell. "Well 32 the 285 deaths occurred in here, all the other cells had one or two deaths at most since theres only 200 cells." Ryan took a deep breath. "Er.. 4 patients died after being given terrible medicine, 16 died by the gaurds, and.." He hesitated, hating talking about suicide. "... and 12 died by their own hands." Ryan hesitated walking in, but eventually stepped in, joining the taller man. "Well, at least it's spacious. There's enough room for all of them and us." Shane joked, trying to lighten the mood. "Shut up shane."

They talked a little more in there, using the spirit box and hearing what Ryan believed to be a ghost saying "leave now", before deciding they'd have 1 minute alone in there each with the door closed. Ryan really didn't want to, but he knew he should do it for the fans. He stepped out, letting Shane go first. Ryan closed the door. It was a big wooden and metal door with a small metal window that was closed and had a small latch for it to lock. You couldn't hear a single thing in there unless the person in it was screaming. "Hey there ghouls." He laughed softly, feeling kind of uneasy.
Here's the thing.
Shane may tell everyone he's a skeptic, but he actually is a huge believer. He had paranormal experiences all throughout his childhood, though he never told anyone because he thought they'd think he was lying. So, he just hid his belief throughout his adulthood mainly for Ryan's sake. It wouldn't be as fun of a show if it was 2 believers. He was always scared at all the places they shot at, but never let it show. "If you're gonna fuck with someone, fuck with me." He always said this. Normally the ghosts listened and whispered in his ear or tugged at his shirt. Shane allowed it, he'd rather be tortured by the ghosts rather then Ryan. Shane felt something blow in his ear and say something that he couldn't make out. He felt a presence next to him and felt it grab his shoulder. He just stood there, clutching his flashlight and scrunching his eyes so tight he thought they might get stuck like that. After a minute Ryan opened the door and the presence he felt vanished. Shane immediately changed his expression and smiled. "See or hear anything?" Ryan asked. "Nope, as usual." He faked a cocky smile and walked out, closing the door behind him. Ryan stood there for a moment before he turned off his light. He stood there in the dark, breathing heavily. "Is anyone in here?" Ryan didn't actually want to communicate with them, but he knew he should ask for the video. A few moments went by, nothing happened. That is until he felt like something was in the corner of the room. He backed up a little and tried to focus his eyes. "Look, I'm not here to communicate." He squinted at the corner. He felt a cold breeze brush past his legs. Suddenly something grabbed his ankle and Ryan gasped loudly. "FUCK!" He jumped up and started to scream. "SHANE LET ME OUT!" He ran over and pounded on the door, since it could only be opened from the outside. Shane immediately opened the door and Ryan ran into his arms sobbing. Shane motioned to cut the cameras, the crew obliged. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around Ryan. "What happened?" Ryan didn't answer, he just buried his head into his chest making a wet spot of his tears on Shane's flannel. He rubbed circles into Ryan's back. "Shh.. it's ok.." Shane kept repeating. They stayed like that for a while.

Boo! (Shane x Ryan)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora