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I sat at one of the main tables of Big Momma's, feeling utterly bored as I watched my friends dance together. "Hey, Giggles, those hips are so seismic," Seacat remarks as he twirls Giggles around.

"It ain't moving 'em that's the problem, Seacat. It's getting 'em to stop," Giggles quips back, her hips swaying picks up speed. I glance over at them, but my attention is quickly diverted as I notice the bikers entering the scene. Giggles urges me to join in the fun, but I shake my head hesitantly.

"I-I'm good. I think I'm gonna go grab a drink," I mumble, feeling a sudden need to escape the crowded dance floor. As I make my way towards the drink bar, I accidentally collide with Lela, Butchy's sister, causing her drinks to spill onto the floor.

"Oh my goodness, Lela! I am so sorry," I exclaim, feeling a surge of panic.

Lela giggles sweetly. "Oh Cleo, you're totally fine. It was an accident." With her reassurance, I start to clean up the mess, grateful for her understanding and help.

"I'll buy you a new round of drinks," I offer as I make my way over to the bar.

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Lela says, her tone grateful but hesitant.

I shake my head, determined. "No, I insist." Grabbing some sodas, I motion for Lela to lead the way back to our table. Her eyes widen in surprise as she sees the bikers gathered around.

"Sodas for everyone!" Lela announces excitedly as she settles into the booth.

"Thanks, sis..." Butchy begins, then turns his attention to me. "and Cleo?"

I offer a lopsided smile. "No problem." Placing the drinks on the table, I feel the weight of their curious gazes lingering on me.

Chee Chee and Struts can't resist the opportunity to tease me.

"Well, well, look who's playing waitress today," Chee Chee quips, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Yeah, didn't know we had a new recruit," Struts adds with a chuckle.

I roll my eyes, brushing off their remarks with a nonchalant shrug. But before I can respond, Butchy's voice cuts through the teasing.

"Enough, you two," he snaps, his tone firm and commanding. Chee Chee and Struts fall silent under his glare, chastened by his reprimand.

I shoot Butchy a grateful glance, appreciating his intervention as he redirects the conversation, and I walk off.

Seacat gives me a concerned look. "You good, Cleo?" I glance up.

"Uh y-yeah. I just busted some more bottles." I reply.

Seacat shakes his head."You're such a klutz." I shrug in response. The music starts playing as Lela makes her way to the stage. Seacat grins. "Oh come on we gotta dance!" He says. Before I can argue, he drags me out to the dance floor.

As the melody of "Fallin For Ya" filled the air, I couldn't help but let out a small groan. Another day, another attempt at mastering this dance routine. Seacat's enthusiasm was endearing, but his attempts to guide me through the steps were a bit overwhelming.

"I'm not the kind to fall for a guy," I muttered to myself, trying to focus on the choreography while suppressing a smile at Seacat's persistence. "Who flashes a smile that goes on for miles."

"Don't usually swoon, but I'm over the moon," I sang along with the music, injecting a hint of playful sarcasm into my voice. "Cause he was just too cool for school."

The Bad Boy | Butchy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now