3○ Temporary Solution

Start from the beginning

I heard heavy steps coming towards me. Landon. The pain in my head worsened. 

"What are you doing here?" His voice, I could never get used to it. Dark and deep and dreary.

"Well, your house is a castle man, I've been walking for a minute and all of a sudden I'm lost. And it's dusty. I don't like dust. And it's really...plain. And the lack of stuff makes it feel abandoned and boring. Kinda like you huh?" I adjusted my glasses. 

He ignored me, again, and just pulled at my collar, dragging my body along to the opposite end of the hall. 

"Hey dude, you're kinda choking me here," I said as I tried to loosen his grip on the collar, "Just so you know, I prefer to be the one doing the choking, not the one getting choked." 

He stopped to stare at me. I think. I couldn't see his eyes, only the brown hair covering them. Like an emo boy, but cuter. Not that he was cute to me, he was just cute in general. 

He released my collar and walked ahead. I ran to catch up to him, not wanting to get lost in these grotty halls again, I may just die from the amount of dust in here. 

"Veryan," he started, "What's the reason you're here?"

"As I said, I was in the area.."

"Right. Isn't your pack far from here?"

"Uh, is it? I don't really know where exactly we are..." I had been determined to get away from Torrez that I just ran straight ahead, not bothering to look back.

"Eastern border."

"Eastern border?!" I guess I'm a pretty good runner, to get all the way here.

"You're from the Blue Blood Pack aren't you?" Landon asked.

"Blue Blood..." Did this fucker not even know which pack I'm from? This isn't even our first encounter.

"Last time we met.... you were with them. And only the Blue Blood pack can just walk into our territory. The other packs are forbidden."

"Forbidden? What'd you mean?"

"Bound under treaty. They can't come near here. Specifically near me."

"Interesting. So specifically you? Explain."

He sighed, "Well, simply put, as long as my father is alive, no pack can touch neither me nor my brother nor anyone who is bound to my pack."

"Interesting. So all other packs. Even the Viglianco Clan?"

"Yes, especially them." He abruptly tuned a corner, almost making me crash into the wall.

"What happens if they come into your territory or defy the treaty?"

"I get to do what I want to them."

"Interesting." Torrez can't come here. This is a haven. Except Landon's here. Wait. Landon's here. If I'm near him. I may not die. Or I may die. It is Landon after all.

Before I knew it we were downstairs, an empty, vacant space, and Landon pointed towards the door.

"Leave." A cold and dry demand. But I need to find a way to stay. I can't leave just yet. There are so many people who want to rip me apart, gangbang my dead body, sew me together then torture me. Don't know about anyone else, but that doesn't sound like fun to me. Besides the gangbang part, that is.

"So, do you really live here?" I asked abruptly, searching for ways to prolong my stay. 

"Yes. Leave."

"That's depressing. Well, you got any food?"

He turned around and sighed, "No. Leave"

"Really? Are you just refusing to feed me?"

"Honestly. I have nothing. Leave"

"That's depressing. Get me some food."

"Didn't I tell you to leave?"

"Get me food first. Then, I'll leave. Oh, and clothes. My dick's swinging out here in the open. Gonna make a guest leave like this?" I said, suddenly aware of my lack of underwear.

Landon turned to me and sighed again. Terribly unbearable he is. 

"Fine. Food. Clothes. Leave. Yes?"

"Yes, yes." No, no. 

If I stay with Landon a little while longer it'll prolong my lifespan just enough to formulate a plan to kill him and the rest of these fucks then flee this major crime scene. 

Right. A temporary solution. And Landon: a small thorn in my side, a tiny obstacle. Easy. Right?

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