Episode 19: Regrets

Start from the beginning

Erasa smiled, "Thank you Aurora" she said gratefully.

Soon, more students began to walk into the school compound.

"Now I've got to find Shin and apologize to him" Erasa thought as she stood by the school gate waiting for Shin to arrive.

She watched each student pass by but there was no sign of Shin. Soon she saw Kyla approaching. She looked around but there was no sign of Shin or Reis.

"Hi Kyla!" she greeted.

"Oh hi Erasa. How are you?" Kyla greeted back.

"I feel terrible for making a mess of Reis' all you can eat invitation. Where's Shin and Reis?" Erasa asked in concern.

Kyla sighed sadly.

"I'm sure Reis is fine but Shin...I can't tell what's going on in his head lately" Kyla said.

"Why do you say that?" Erasa asked.

"Normally, Shin's always so noisy and energetic. He's always looking for a quarrel and I never fail to wake him up by banging pan lids. He hates school but never wants to miss a day but lately, he's always silent as if he's lost in thought and today, God knows I let all hell loose in their bedroom but Shin didn't even try to wake up. It's almost as if he's running from school" Kyla said worriedly. "Though I might just be overthinking things because they were up talking all night...those boys!" Kyla added with a growl.

Erasa looked worried as well.

"H-Hey Kyla, is Shin angry with me?" Erasa asked.

Kyla smiled.

"Don't worry Erasa, when it comes to you, Shin can never be angry for more than half a day" Kyla said in an attempt to cheer Erasa up.

The bell soon rang for classes to begin and Kyla, Erasa, Darak and Aurora quickly rushed into the class. Erasa sat at her desk recalling the terrible things she had said to Shin the night before. Soon Mistress Kira entered the class.

"Good morning class" she greeted.

"Good morning Mistress Kira" the students greeted in reply.

"We'll start the day with a roll call. When I call your name, reply by saying 'Present'. Okay, so now let's begin. Darak Ignis!" Mistress Kira called.

"Here" Darak said nonchalantly.

Mistress Kira ignored him.

"Aurora Saggeese!"

"Present" Aurora replied.

"Ernest Eghan!"

"Yo!" Evil Eghan greeted joyfully.

"Pius Cudjoe!"

"Present!" Cudjoe replied.

"Benjamin Dossou!"

"Present!" Dossou replied.

"Reis Dragonhaӓrt!" Mistress Kira called but there was no answer. "Reis Dragonhaart!" Mistress Kira called again.

"He is MIA!" the class responded and laughed.

"Mistress Kira noted his name.

"Shin Ayenhayze!" Mistress Kira called.

There was no answer.

"Shin Ayenhayze!" she called again.

"He simply can't be reached!" the class replied and they burst into laughter.

Mistress Kira noted Shin's name down and the roll call continued. As it turned out, Reis and Shin were the only absent students. Meanwhile, in the Ayenhayze residence...

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