Episode 3: A Tragic Day

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It was morning already and Reis and Shin remained fast asleep in their beds. Kyla had already woken up. She had freshened up and prepared breakfast. Master Jin came down the stairs clothed in his Ranger uniform.

"Kyla, why are you not in your Ranger uniform already?" Master Jin asked.

"I did not want to stain it while preparing breakfast. I hope you understand Master Jin" Kyla said.

Master Jin smiled. "Kyla, you really respect your uniform, that's good" he said.

"Thanks Master" Kyla said with a smile.

"Now where are those two lazy bums?" Master Jin asked.

"Still sleeping" Kyla said.

"Wake them up. Right after breakfast, we're heading to HQ to deliver our report to the Dragonlord" Master Jin said.

"Y-yes Master" Kyla said sadly.

She climbed the stairs and walked to Shin and Reis' bedroom. She knocked thrice and placed her ear on the door to listen.

"Reis! Shin! Wake up!" Kyla yelled after there was no response.

Inside the room, Shin and Reis were awake and had in fact taken their baths using their teleportation abilities. Now Shin was thinking of a way to punish Kyla for the previous night. After Kyla left, he thought of a way to get Reis on his side.

"Reis, c'mon, I need your help. Can't you just help me put an end to that smart-mouth's smart-mouthedness?" Shin pleaded.

"Leave me out of this" Reis said.

"C'mon, do I have to say Simon says?" Shin pleaded some more.

"No, I have no interest in hurting Kyla's feelings. Your problems are yours alone to resolve" Reis said adamantly.

"Stingy!" Shin growled angrily.

"Stupid" Reis retorted.

"Y-Y-You're just like Kyla!" Shin yelled.

"That's not a bad thing is it?!" Reis shouted.

"Yes! It is a very bad thing!" Shin said.

"Shin, just forget it okay?" Reis sighed as he put on his old clothes.

Shin was soon in Ranger uniform.

Suddenly, Kyla burst into the room.

"Wake up you...!" Kyla paused as she saw Reis and Shin fully dressed.

"Y-you're prepared" Kyla muttered in surprise.

"We'll be right down Kyla so please wait for us" Reis said with a smile.

"Okay Reis, but I'll wait for only two minutes and then, I'll be forced to take extreme measures" Kyla said seriously.

"I understand, but if you dare...Kyla! If you just dare...! Oh, there will be war and I assure you, I won't be the one laughing from the wrong side of my teeth" Shin threatened.

"Hmmpph! We'll see Shin, if you like...defy me!" Kyla said as she gave Shin the evil eye.

Shin was sweating profusely from fear and he was shivering uncontrollably.

"Shin, are you okay?" Reis asked after Kyla had left.

"Sh-she just gave me the evil eye didn't she?" Shin said in fear.

"Shin, don't tell me you're afraid of Kyla" Reis laughed.

"You don't understand Reis. The evil eye is the most diabolic curse a person can give you..." Shin said grimly.

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