Episode 19: Regrets

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It was morning in the Rangers' Guild. Erasa woke up early though she didn't get enough sleep throughout the night. She still felt moody. She prepared herself for school and sat down to eat breakfast. It was the last working day of the week, Terra's day. Erasa felt depressed. She couldn't eat much so she decided to leave for school. She knew that Aurora and Darak were always the first students to arrive in school so she decided that if she could get to school early, she'd be able to apologize to Aurora and after that she'd think of a way to apologize to Shin. But she knew it wasn't going to be easy to apologize to Shin after the way she had treated him.

"I'll find a way" she said determinedly as she walked towards Dragon High.

Meanwhile, in the Ayenhayze residence...BANG! BANG! BANG!

"Wake up you lazy drones!" Kyla yelled but Reis and Shin remained asleep. They didn't even budge.

Kyla tried hitting them but nothing worked.

"They might as well be dead! Sheesh! I'm leaving you two behind! Do you hear?!" Kyla yelled as she stormed out of the room.

She set the table for the two boys and packaged their lunch but she left for school and the two boys remained asleep.

Erasa was nearing Dragon High. She could hear exclamations of "HA! HA! HYAAH!" coming from the school compound.

"It's Aurora" she said as she began to feel uneasy.

She walked through the school gate and saw Aurora training with the Twin Saggeesian Sabres. Aurora was trying to perfect a double lateral strike.

"I've never seen Aurora look so serious" Erasa thought to herself.

Aurora had already noticed Erasa's presence but she was angry with Erasa so she ignored her. Erasa walked uncertainly till she was quite close to Aurora.

"HA!" Aurora yelled as she performed a single lateral strike.

"Aurora, we need to talk" Erasa said.

"HA!" Aurora ignored Erasa and continued with her training.

"Aurora, I know you can hear me. Please give me a chance to apologize" Erasa said.

"Why do you want to apologize to someone that's in the way of your happiness?" Aurora said indifferently as she continued practicing her strikes.

"I didn't mean what I said Aurora. You don't know how much I regret saying those things to you" Erasa said sadly.

"You meant it Erasa. It's understandable though but I can't easily forget what you said. And here I was thinking that I was your best friend" Aurora said sadly as she sheathed her blades.

"You are my best friend Aurora! I just don't know what came over me. Maybe I was upset with Shin and I took it out on you but I'm really sorry" Erasa apologized.

"Oh so now it was Shin's fault you said what you said right? I honestly feel sorry for Shin because amongst us all, he's the one you hurt the most!" Aurora yelled angrily.

Erasa opened her eyes in surprise and lowered her eyes in guilt.

Aurora sighed, "I forgive you Erasa because I can understand your feelings but I can't say just yet that our friendship will be as great as it was before" Aurora said.

"I see" Erasa said sadly.

"But I'll try to let it go. It really hurt to hear those words but we're friends and friends forgive each other but I need some time to cool off" Aurora said as she returned to her sword practice.

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