Absolutely Smitten

Start from the beginning

"Moony has a date this weekend... with Dorcas Meadowes."

"Oh." for some unfathomable reason my heart sank to the bottom of my chest and the morning suddenly seemed grey and miserable.

"What? Are you jealous because he has a date and you don't?"

"Shut it Peter, I've had more dates than all of you combined."

"Only cos Prongs refuses to date anyone but Evans"

"She is the only one for me, Peter"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hogsmeade weekend. Normally, I'd be excited, ecstatic even, but my only emotion was dread. I didn't even know why... I really should have though. A day of buying useless stuff at zonko's and messing around at the three broomsticks, my perfect day; or it would be if Moony was there too.

Before long, we were heading out of the castle, just the three of us. Hours passed and soon we were exhausted, laden with goodies, and piling into a booth at the three broomsticks. I was enjoying my time, but I couldn't stop my eyes from wandering over to Remus and Dorcas, wishing he was sitting with us. Without warning, a world changing thought crossed my mind, and as much as tried to repress it, it kept coming back.


"Yeah Sirius?"

"How'd you know you liked Evans?"

"Well... the first time I looked at her, a light from the heavens shined down on her and a god spoke to me and said 'James, she is the one.' and that's what happened, why? Got someone special on your mind?"

"Oh ha ha, Seriously though?"

"I guess... she was all I could think about, and she sorta seemed like the centre of my universe."

"Oh" and then it clicked. I liked him. And evident from the fact he was currently on a date with someone else, he didn't like me back. He probably didn't even like boys. Me liking boys was honestly more than enough of  a shock for one day, but liking Moony... I'm fucked. Plus side; it will really piss off my mum.

"Oh shit, Padfoot really does like someone." I had evidently zoned out more than I thought I had.

"What? 'Course not!". My voice lacked its usual conviction but I hoped James wouldn't notice (he did).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
We decided to leave hogsmeade early that day, leaving Remus behind. Instead of heading to the tower like James and Peter, I made a B-line straight for Lily. If anyone had advice, it'd be her.

"You were right."

Startled, she looked up from her book, clearly not expecting any company. "Huh?"

"About Moony... I'm smitten." I groaned, inviting myself to sit next to her. Saying it outloud made it feel more real, but I knew I wasn't wrong. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense (and the more I couldn't get his beautiful eyes out of my head). I could tell I had her attention, as she set her book down on the table and turned fully to face me.

"About time you realised, I've been thinking you guys will get together since third year." Annoyingly, she had a very James-like smirk on her face, but I knew she meant well.

"Yeah, like that'll ever happen. He had a date today, and by the looks of it, it went well."

"Well, tell him to drop her, it's been obvious he likes you for ages."

"I doubt it." she seemed genuinely sure of herself, but in that moment nothing felt more unlikely. 

"Who was he with anyway?"


She sniggered, and gave a look as if I was the dumbest person alive. "Yeah you won't have to worry about her."

"What? Why?"

"No, no I won't say"

"Okayyy... see you"

Just as I was leaving the room I heard her voice call out, 'ask him out though!". I mentally facepalmed, but also found myself smiling fondly. Still confused about what Lily had said about Dorcas, I went towards the dorms.

When I opened the door to our dorm, I found Remus was the only one in, reading. I hadn't expected him to be back yet. Just as I normally would, I sat on the end of his bed and although I'd done it many times before, the close proximity made me nervous. "Where's James and Pete?" I asked, going for a safe question.

"I don't know, Peter is probably helping Prongs with some ridiculous scheme to ask out Evans." He had stopped reading, and was giving me his full attention. It was everything I could do not to get lost in his eyes.

"So..." I said, delaying the inevitable. "How'd the date go?", I waited for him to tell me how much he was in love.

"Pretty well, we get on great."

"That's good." I tried my hardest not to sound bitter.

"You don't sound like you mean that." evidently I had failed. He moved closer to me, causing my breath to get caught in my throat. "Why's that?" He looked curious more than angry, but he was so close... I could feel myself getting flushed.

"Because... because..." my words had escaped me so... I kissed him. Oh fuck! I kissed him, I did not think this through. But he kissed back. Oh god I'm gonna regret this... but it's so good.

"Oh... that's why," a deep blush spread across his cheeks and he was smiling, all I ever wanted to do was make him smile.

"Sorry..." Suddenly, I felt rather ashamed - I shouldn't have done that. It was going to make things awkward and he was probably dating Dorcas.

"Don't be"

"Huh?" hadn't I been confused enough for one day?!

"D'you know how long I've been waiting for you to do that?"

I couldn't help but grin, even though I still didn't really understand or even believe this was happening. "Really?"

"Uh huh."

I felt like I was on cloud nine, until a slightly worrying thought crossed my mind. "What about Dorcas?"

He laughed and I had no idea if it was a good or bad thing. "I don't think we're going to have to worry about her."

"Why?" Siriusly, could people just stop confusing me?!

"She's actually gay,"

"Really?! Then why were you..."

"On a date? Yeah she actually didn't want it getting out, so she wanted a fake date. And me, being my very gay self, seemed like a good option. Even if she did spend half the time talking about how beautiful Marlene is. " He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Kinda stupid now I think about it."

"Maybe..." Then I kissed him again because that was something I could do now, and I certainly wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste

A/n - I don't know why there's so much reading in this one 😅

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