Entry One:

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*Flashback in the past of young Lucinda sitting in a chair as her mother lectured her while doing her hair*

Growing up, I was always taught to be a good girl and no not the basic get good grades, get into a good college, be the next president good girl.

No, I'm talking about the learn how to cook and clean. Be obedient, don't talk back, you don't have an opinion in this world.

Don't even worry about going to college, you just worry about finding yourself a loaded wise husband that you can make happy and you might just be a lucky girl.

That was what my mother always told me and of course, me being the "good girl" I was taught to be, listened to every word she said, and abided by it like it was a fucking bible.

And I did find myself a husband. A rich, wise, lonely man that I could make so much happier if I just did simple things he asked me to do...

*Into Our Story*

Lucinda finished putting the pancakes on the table and rubbed her hands on the apron. She looked over the table and observed the meal she made.

She looked over at the clock and noticed it was 7:00am on the dot. She took off her apron and walked upstairs peacefully to wake up her sleeping husband.

"Honey, it's time to get ready," She said as she shook him a little. He groaned and she backed up to go open the curtains.

He sat up on the bed and started stretching. She watched him in awe.

"I already made breakfast for you and your briefcase is ready for you right by the door like you always want it. I also put out the newspaper just in case you wanted to read," She beamed.

"Thanks, hun, I don't know what I'd do without you," He groggily spoke.

"Well, I ironed your clothes and put them on the rack for you so I'll be downstairs," She announced and walked out of the room gracefully.

She turned on the television and sat down at the table.

"And breaking news! A local plaza was robbed by two armed men..."

Lucinda began eating and watching the news as she waited for her husband to come downstairs so they can enjoy breakfast together.

A couple of minutes later he walked down the stairs adjusting his suit. He sat down at the table and picked up the newspaper.

She watched him as he read waiting for him to eat his food.

"You might wanna eat before your food get's cold dear," She insisted. He looked away from the newspaper and at her.

He started eating his food and she waited for him to compliment the food

"Oh, this is great hun," He said sounding like he had no bit of interest in the food.

"Thank you, took me an hour," She replied with a big smile on her face.

"Oh, and um do you think you'll be home on time tonight? We haven't had date night in a while" She informed.

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