•. .Blood is Messy. .•

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Atsumu's (P.O.V) ~

We went inside the building and immediately I noticed the filth covering the floor along with a damp moldy smell emitting throughout the building as if something was leaking and nobody bothered to turn it off.

I began slowly walking up the stairway that was on the left and continued going up until I reach the landing of the fourth floor where my targets room was said to be. Oikawa was below on the third floor with Osamu waiting on the second while Lev remained downstairs just outside the building entrance in case the target tried to make a run for it.

I raised my hand to the earpiece I had on and mumbled 'ready', letting them know I was about to set our plan in motion. I received an 'okay' in return so I stepped forward until I reached the small red box attached to the wall.

Lifting the glass case I curled my fingers around the small handle and began counting down into the earpiece so they could get ready.




Immediately after the number escaped my lips I yanked down on the handle and almost in perfect synchronization the shrill sound of the fire alarms began back to back as Oikawa and Osamu pulled theirs mere seconds after I did.

It didn't take long for the people in the building to begin rushing down the stairway in panic at the loud alarm ringing throughout the building. I pushed myself up against the wall to avoid being crushed in the sea of people but I kept my eyes peeled for my target and not even a full two minutes after people came flooding did I notice my victim coming down the stairs.

I casually pulled out the spool of thin black wire I had brought along to capture him and waited till he was just in front of me trying to make his way down the stairs all discreetly but unlucky for him I was already waiting.

In less than a second I whipped the wire out and snagged him around the throat with it making him let out a small gagging noise as I pulled him into me and pushed him up against the wall as I waited for the people to clear out before doing any more.

His hands came up to try and struggle against it but I pulled it tighter and pushed my knee into the back of his, making his legs go limp so he slumped against the wall a little.

His throat was flexing as he gagged making me feel a slight air of superiority for whatever reason but I was now appreciating my choice of weapons.

The wire I had chosen for this was very fine and thin, the small edge sharp enough to slice through skin if used the right way, but I needed to capture him to complete the mission, not kill him technically so I chose to hold it lose enough where it pierced the skin to draw some blood but not too tight so I don't slice his throat open.

I guess he realized our strength differences because he stopped struggling and let his body lean limp against the wall.

We remained that way for a few more minutes until no more people came down the stairs, once I was sure no one else way coming down I gripped a handful of the man's stringy hair and slammed his face into the wall.

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