Chapter Three

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I turn slowly, my hand frozen in midair.

"What are you doing these days anyways, Rosaline?" Jeremy Pfeffer stands looming over me, his tousled blond hair flopping over one of his eyes.

He was easily one of the best looking boys I had seen, but he had the personality of a soggy piece of trash. At a glance, I could see that he was wearing a collared white shirt, buttoned all the way up, and khakis. He was barefoot, one hand tucked into his pocket, a drink balanced in the other.

"Rosaline?" I mutter before I can stop myself. Jeremy's eyebrows shoot up a little, one corner of his mouth quirking upwards.

Then I remember that I had lied and said my name was Rosaline when we had first met at James' party last month. I shut my mouth and swallow, forcing a smile onto my face.

"So long that you've forgotten your own name, I see?" Jeremy leans towards me, his dark eyes searching my face. I feel blood rushing into my cheeks as I begin to stammer. I laugh nervously. "Are you here with your two other friends? Who were they- Betty? And... Oh yeah!" He laughs, his brilliantly white teeth glinting. "James' girl. He'll be pleased to see her."

"Yeah," I say with as much enthusiasm as I can muster. "You know, it was great catching up with you, Jeremy, but I have to get back to Beth." I turn back to the DJ, who smiles.

"What song can I hit you up with, gorgeous?" he shouts over the music.

"How about 'Jealous' by Nick Jonas?" suggests Jeremy over my shoulder. I flinch away from his face, which is way to close to my neck. "That was the song playing when we met."

"I remember," I say nervously.

Jeremy gave me hella bad vibes. When we met at James' party, he wouldn't leave me alone. His possessiveness wasn't faltered by other boys either; whenever I tried to talk to other boys to escape him, he would drive them off somehow.

"Why are you so skittish?" I feel his breath on my neck, and I pull away, narrowing my eyes.

"Maybe because you're blowing your breath across my skin? Isn't that what boys like you do to make girls skittish?" I shoot back sharply. I brush his hand off my shoulder abruptly. His dark eyes narrow and he draws back, running a hand through his blond hair.

"Rosie, I-"

"By the way, my name isn't Rosie, or Rosaline," I say, sizing up to him. I poke my finger into his chest and he flinches. "It's Rouge. I didn't tell you because you were creepy as hell." I turn back to the DJ, who's staring at me in awe, his lip ring vibrating from silent laughter. "Play 'Billie Jean' by Michael Jackson, please."

"Sure thing, gorgeous."

I spin back to Jeremy, whose face is a violent shade of pink.

"See you later, Jermy." I spin around, leaving him stunned and standing in the cold sand, still pink in the face.

I'm feeling pumped and flustered by the time I sit back down next to Beth. "Billie Jean" comes on right afterwards, and Beth turns to me questioningly.

"You seem rather excited," she says slowly. "Is this the impact that the King of Pop has on teenage girls?"

"Encountered a guy that I don't really like," I say curtly. Beth's mouth opens in a soft pink "o" and nods slowly.

"Seems to be common problem with you," she chuckles. "Should we dance then?"

"Dying to. I want to forget this guy as soon as possible. He is the literal definition of trash." I rise with a growing smile on my face and grab Beth's hand, dragging her behind me. She laughs brightly.

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