Who is that Girl?

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Hiccup's POV

I laughed at Snoutlout and his kids "Dad, there was a boat wreck  found on the beach" Brie came running "ok Alright Snoutlout we have to go to the beach." I said "Uncle can we come please" Ruth said using the puppy dog eyes "no Ruth it might be dangerous" I said "uhh come on hiccup let them come please" the gang plus the kids pleaded using puppy dog eyes on me "urgh fine you win but if your kids get injured not my fault" I said "Yay thank uncle" Ruth hugged me tight "cant brrreeeaaatth" I said losing air "oopps sorry" Ruth let me go "lets go" louie said "hey I was going to say that" lucky said then they started arguing uhh there giving me a headache "STOP YOUR BABBLERING AND COME ON YOUR GIVING MY DAD A HEADACHE!!!" Avan  yelled which shut them up we boarded our dragons the whole flight was silent when we landed I checked out the boat "Hiccup I found something" fishlegs said I ran to them I saw a beautiful girl not as hot as Astrid of course she has brown hair she opened her eyes to see hazel eyes.

Avan's POV

Its her I started crying "oh Avan why are you crying" Ruffnut said "Daddy *sob* stay away from her*sob*" I managed to say to him Mom and Dad rushed over to me "shhh come down Brie" dad soothed me "why annie who is she?.

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